Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Eventual Maturation

hey hey hey

what's goin' on?

what, no 'whut it dew'?

same ol' me, just can't sleep (that's all)

it has been awhile since i sat down to spread dry humor without the wet t-shirt

i suppose that caking it on like tartar sauce on a fish sandwich from a certain fast-food establishment would do the trick

here goes...

over the past year or so a lot of things have happened, mostly for the better:
no car payments, better credit, finding lucky jeans that fit- and a real vacation

yet along the way some things have become extremely disgusting to me

sagging, rude customer service, tattoos (if ya have 'em, more power to ya; tats don't do it for me)

as a result, i acknowledge that at 31, i have finally grown up.

no more big-faced rims and boomin' systems;

mohawks and patron shots, gone the way of the dodo bird.

my youthful aspirations of platinum grills and multiple pairs of air jordans, traded for 401k and mortgage payments

ever the serial womanizer settles down

tiger might try again someday

jay-z once said 30 is the new 20:

naw, bruh, it's the same ol' 30

ya gotta grow up eventually -

just embrace/accept it, as that makes all the difference.

til next time

be cool and try to stay out of the arkansas heat unless you're tanning

keep saving money at walmart

and all that other superfluous jazz.

i'm out.

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