Sunday, December 29, 2013

God Is Taking Us Through It To Be Used In It

1 Kings 17:1-16

Learn to see what God is doing through people. Sometimes it is hard to take the next step - complacency sets it. He is trying to get to another level in life, praise, finances, etc else we do get comfortable in what we do/where we are. This is what will be.
Stand for God even if you're alone
In another locale, hardship must be endured (no Cadillac complex just because we accepted Him)
Elijah tells us to be encouraged 
V.2-3 Move beyond the comfort zone. Elijah was told to move east to Cherith Creek to cut him off from bad situations. In a place of isolation, he goes away from it all except the core. The closer he is, the better understanding he receives; the closer he is, the closer contact he has with God. 
V.6 He could easily go another way. What may not be good to you may very well be good for you. The purpose for going to the creek is to refocus. 
V.7 The creek dried up. Working for God is spreading the Gospel; therefore, the opportunity to move on to another level presents itself. 
V.8 Wanna see God work? He'll take you to the refinery. 
V.10 Elijah meets the widow fetching sticks and instructs her to bring him a piece of bread. The woman who is struggling to sustain herself and her son in turn keeps Elijah going for sustenance.
V.12 She planned on dying. Our purpose is to bring life to dead places! God can do more with that little bit the woman had than what we can with all if the ingredients.

Notice that when you do what is required what happens. You get more to do along with a reward. 

V.13 Go ahead and fix your meal before you die, but first will you make me a cake? Blessings come from being a blessing to others; the woman's faithfulness kept food and oil for many days as a result. God provides! 

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