Monday, January 18, 2021

Joy Cometh In the Morning

Few words ring more honestly than the tweet below:
But before we enter our season of joy, let us revisit the momentary anger. This is not "I'm gonna beat your butt" anger rather as acknowledging a clearly obvious observation, the United States of America has treated its written words very selectively toward Black people and as we make one step forward, it is met by with violent backlash every single time: The Civil War. Reconstruction. Wilmington. Elaine. The Tulsa Race Riots. The Sixteenth Street church bombing in Birmingham. Selma. The MOVE bombings in Philadelphia. Minneapolis. Is this the reason why white people are more than amenable with the nonviolence movement, that they could do whatever they wanted to Black people without fear of retribution or some sort of a penalty? Keep in mind that here in Arkansas, where a hate crime law does not exist on the books - and given the folks in the state Legislature, it probably will not happen since a vocal group is too busy aiming for a Stand Your Ground law that allows the judicial community to side with the so-called aggrieved Barney Fife if he murders one of us. The anger described is not just one of an individual's actions [the lone wolf idea peddled versus genetic attribution] but also a furor toward supposedly cherished systems and symbols that systematically put us behind the 8-ball. 
Watch this quote float all over social media when accountability gets deflected 

Joy cometh in the morning! 

Our weeping is not always limited to literal wailing and falling all over the place with loud tears. We weep when we hurt, and we cry accordingly. One thing we do better than anyone else is make a way out of no way, and if no one knows the rewards of delayed gratification, it should be Black America; unfortunately, some of us still find ourselves buying our way to freedom via cars, clothes, and houses stunting short-term like a bunch of high school kids in exchange for accruing debt that enslaves us and limits flexibility, reducing what is termed by Primerica representatives the financial independence number (FIN) thereby remaining tethered to an employment situation that is less than appealing AND a continued reason to sob. 
 They don't value our lives, just our cheese 

We weep over structures that were never intended to benefit us, and when one breaks through, then the entire board game is knocked over with game pieces strewn everywhere and Monopoly money ripped to shreds. How? Does the name OJ Simpson ring a bell? Or what happened in Georgia a couple of weeks ago? Our Blackness pays multiple tolls nearly every day for access that at best is a mere mirage of how equality is presented, seldom if ever is equity granted. 

So...did Martin help integrate us into a burning house? Some days, it seems like it.
Through Him, joy comes in the morning. 

When joy comes in the morning, there will be peace.

When joy comes in the morning, there will be liberty.

When joy comes in the morning, there will be rest.

When joy comes in the morning, there will be an irrefutable evidence of understanding and an undeniable comprehension. 

When joy comes in the morning, there will also be a judgment rightfully dividing truth from lie - and a lot of people will finally be ashamed of themselves for perpetuating a myth for so long.

Get ready.

Joy cometh in the morning. 

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Not My Fight

This is not my fight. -Black Twitter
If there was no other time to sit back and laugh to keep from crying, this is it.
January 6, 2021 will forever live in infamy as the day the Saltine Siege tried to reenact a scene from a movie where a mob overtakes the US Capitol. As the elected senators and congressmen save the pair in Georgia who were victorious in their runoff bids only a day earlier scurried to safety underneath desks, in offices, bunkers, and undisclosed locations, Vanilla ISIS made a mockery of the ideas outlined by the Founding Fathers breaking office glass or belaying the walls instead of simply taking the stairs with an unnecessary assist from the defeated incumbent POTUS whom they swear absolute fealty to - and the person they would bend the knee to.

I wish I was making this up. 

But...this isn't my fight. Why should I care about a democracy that has only been forced within the last fifty years to give benevolent freedom to my ancestors and elders, most of whom were subjugated to the caste system some of today's so-called patriots have benefited from at every turn from the Homestead Act to the GI Bill to those low-interest home loans and the simple act of voting without risking life and limbs? 
We know what happened, and I won't breathe further life into what the Coup Klutz Klan attempted. Rather, it is an indictment of two things:  1)the actual beginning of America as a nation; and 2)we still have a large swath of the nation who, like their Dear Fuhrer, has never really been told no in their mediocre lives. It would be too easily to dismiss them as Y'all Qaeda with their Yee-Yee F-150s with Rough Country six-inch lift kits and a matching 84 month payment term that won't see dirt as the mainstream media paints their plight as economic anxiety conversely to what it is:  a fear of a changing nation, one that is comfortable with new voices of different shades leading the way to the future as HezBubba returns to their communities feeling more isolated, unemployed, ostracized, and rightfully ashamed for participating in an insurrection just because their desired candidate took a L.
How the Capitol Police saw Wednesday vs Summer 2020

Oh well. 
Like I said, this isn't my fight. 

I'm going to mind my own Black-ass business and leave y'all alone.