Thursday, October 24, 2013

Little Friday

Well, today is Thursday - or in my younger years, Little Friday. The day of drunken debauchery is upon us. I get to spend my day in the dentist's office with an abscess feeling the pain. My mouth is killing me! The frustration level is increasing; how did my X-rays get lost in the email? Surely Google isn't that slow. Push comes to shove, I'll just take a cleaning and smack on the bottom before going back home. I just hope my wife hasn't fallen asleep in the waiting room, and if she has, then sweet dreams. I am getting sleepy in this chair.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

I Don't Lose With The Stuff I Always Use

1 Samuel 17:37-40

Just because things are influx at home doesn't mean trade in what you own. Upgrading isn't always the best thing because the new isn't always better. For example, getting a new car when the old one is just fine. Your jalopy may not look like much. It might have the bench seat that everyone has to move forward or back with the driver, but it is paid for and you know its issues.

Having trouble? Let it go. Sickness? Release whatever is causing the ailments. The Philistines were the proverbial bad boys that attracted goody Israel. Because the Israelites forgot who they were, they tended to get into compromising situations woth the Philistines which obviously displeased God. As a result, the Israelis ended up in some pretty sticky stuff - and inevitably, 400 years of silence.

David was sent to a battlefield with no fight;  the men who were supposed to fight cowered from it. They let the problem have its way! Some people are simply gluttons for punishment. They live for drama and the associated pain (ie., fightin' and fornicatin').
How do you have a war and scared of it? David wanted to know what was going on with the Israelites' side: Why were they sitting still? Something needed to be done. Otherwise, the things God has ordained for us will never be accomplished. 

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Having A Nature To Pray

There is something about man in its perpetual nature. Only by the power of Jesus can man change. James talks about Elias as a man with needs and wants common for all of us. He put his pants one leg at a time,  eats own bite,  etc. He genuinely prayed that it wouldn't rain; it didn't rain for 3 1/2 years. He prayed til his breakthrough! The next time he prayed,  it rained and the earth gave him fruit.