Sunday, August 13, 2017

You Own This. Don’t Try to Hide Now and Act Like This is New.

My own recently re-elected US Senator sent out a tweet feigning compassion over the events in Charlottesville yet he was silently complicit on the campaign trail last year when the opportunities arose to speak up for all of us and consistently declined to visit with all of his constituents throughout the state only choosing to see the moneyed or sugarcoated religious folks among us. I didn’t see ‘conservative Christianity’ from anyone in the state of Arkansas until most residents played stupid about the well-known alt-right member from Dover (or Mountain View?) wearing the Arkansas Engineering t-shirt; I know they were the same folks who were butthurt about Brother Colin Kaepernick taking a knee and his reasons or the young sisters who knelt during the preseason college basketball game last season, one of which I am personally connected to.

Ever since the advent of integration (not that long ago – Dad graduated from an all-white high school and Mom’s school integrated in the fifth grade only to become virtually pitch-black a few years later at her 1975 high school graduation), the powers that be consistently have changed the goal posts to suit their dastardly means. They have traded in their hoods and robes for suits and ties; striped button down oxfords and dark washed jeans for polo shirts, and standard fit khakis from the Gap; and burning torches for Tiki candles and anonymous Twitter accounts. What a lot of people don’t know is that the Religious Right’s rise to power has nothing to do with Roe v. Wade:  the original fight was ‘forced’ integration of their schools. See the South for the rise of the private academies since 1965.

Truth of the matter, I’m tired of being the moral compass of this place. Excuse my foul language but understand the context of what I am saying:  You don’t give a damn about my black ass unless it’s to make your pussified life easier via the heavy lifting AND even then, I don’t get due credit or compensation for my timely truthful intellectual thoughts.

For far too long and in too many blogs, I have continually pointed out the hypocrisies of flawed arguments both conservative and liberal as I am told that I am the racist for poking holes in your theories of supremacy. FUCK EACH AND EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU, if that is the case. I mean, where can I start? Trayvon? Mike? Eric? Jordan? Colin? Barack? The Charleston Nine? Walter? Terence? Rekia? Renisha? OJ? I’m here all night.

Fuck it, I think you need to hear it from someone who looks like you. But that won’t happen because you’re so damn complacent in calling it a lone wolf crime when the perpetrators are white – if it were me mowing protestors down in my crossover or using inciting language, then the thugs, n*ggers, and every other insult in the book would’ve been hurled my way. However, if you put my family in this and there will be no limit to how I move heaven and earth to send you to hell!

Putting a nice name on something still doesn’t wash away the ugliness of it.

You’re a nationalist/nativist/supremacist/alt-right, right? You’re still a trashy-ass racist, no matter what you look like on the outside and that won’t change until you change. Speaking of which, your boy 45 and continued silence is all you need to keep hiding under the veneer of what America is.

You certainly don’t represent what God’s Kingdom looks like and is all about.

How can you love and worship a man you’ve never seen yet sprint across the street clutching purses and dragging children away when you see a man of a darker skin walking toward you on the same sidewalk faster than Usain Bolt in the Olympics? 

You surely cannot worship the same God I do.

Because the media (which is going to shock you, but it’s largely owned by conservatives) is going to tell you the truth, right?

Because the high schools you attended and slept through the lessons on cognitive thinking are indoctrinating the students with wild leftist thoughts and questioning Creationism in their biology classes?

Because we’re supposed to never forget September 11, 2001 when slavery and Jim Crow segregation were a long time ago and we need to get over it already?

Because our churches are little more than PACs than meeting places to worship one Living God meaningfully?

Because All Lives Matters really is intended for me to shut the hell up about Black Lives Matter?

Every time you excuse bad behavior of one of your own yet slam a minority group for the same thing as genetic attribution, you’re really doing yourselves no favors.

Vanilla ISIS, with Tiki candles spewing hate

The pictures of White ISIS (I don’t know what they’re mad for – they’ve had most everything handed to them prior to 1968, and in some respects, still wallow in a privileged mentality) carrying Tiki torches is laughable only if…they weren’t our neighbors, coworkers, politicians, pastors, teachers, firefighters, police officers, doctors, webmasters, Little League coaches, managers, fashion designers, comedians, electricians, and so forth.  I guess when your voice is the only one that is heard for so long, when others finally take a few seconds at the microphone to speak, it seems like discrimination instead of the actual equality that it is.

You own this. Don’t try to hide now and act like this is new.