Sunday, December 29, 2013

The End of Moonlighting (Where's The Moonshine?)

Preface:  I am not depressed nor anything near suicidal. However, if you are hypersensitive to profane language, I do apologize. Enjoy another round of satiric humor.

hey hey hey

hola mami, papi, y los persones todo el mundo

the people have spoken

i need a better job, but where?

a brother can't get anywhere working at this damn walmart stocking dog food all night

and as i ask myself the same question that so many of you present to me:

why are you still @ walmart?

Lord knows, but i don't.

hopefully someone will offer me something very soon that pays better than this bullcrap of a gig

they say the recession is still lingering, but it never truly released me from its evil grasp

hold me down, as you might, but i'm gonna bust these chains

i'm tired, fed-up, and if you would pay me my money today, then i'll never come back to that prison again

kinda have that coach richardson feeling again

am i an angry black man? i've been called a whole lot worse, meaning that i'm not entirely giddy about the graveyard shift

and my education is being wasted by shoving funky-ass tuna flavored special kitty canned cat food upon raggedy, bent shelves

i'm not happy in the least bit


it does pay the bills.

what is my plan?

selling dope out the santa fe? hell naw, love my Punkin, truck and freedom too much

plus i ain't that stupid

send massive resumes to everybody and their mama?

been doing that, hasn't helped yet.

then what?

i'm burned-out, y'all

help me before i drink myself to death from all the boredom and ensuing depression

pbr (pabst blue ribbon) and sleeping pills are what i have remaining in the closet

plies once said the saddest man in the world is a nigga who can't provide

i didn't say won't,  just can't despite all the hustling and grinding of sixteen-hour workdays

does that explain why i work so much?

pray that i get my ish together and for a better life

this may be it for awhile;

therefore, three years of moonlighting has got to come to a blessed ending in the way God sees fit

otherwise, it's a lifetime of peanut butter crackers and water

and that would truly suck.

lemme out this mofo once and for all so i can get more fetty and weekends off

my feet hurt, i need to keep grading homework and monitior undrea and the rest of group a @ star academy...

gotta run, just not to the moonshine man up on the hill

will holla

be cool

God bless

love, peace, wave cap grease, and soouuullll!!!!!

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