Sunday, December 10, 2023

Rubber Match? Dub Shack BBQ Reviews the 2023 Barbecue Game

Every day is a GREAT day for barbecue!

Throughout 2023, I did a ton of sauce research and development (R&D) to dial in the seven core sauces of Dub Shack BBQ as well as a slew of recipes. Shout out to everyone who has been honored as a new or returning member of the DSB Meatlist, and if you so happen to be around on testing or cooking days to sample product, the pleasure was mine. I have a few cooks which I failed to document at the time, yet look for the official word sometime in 2024!

Meet the Seven Days, Seven Sauces ☝🏿 above: The O.G.; The Ancestors; Dem Berries; Dang! Oh, Mango; Peachin' Ain't Easy; Pop Da Cherry; and Get Honey.

In related news, I may have a little problem ☝🏿

Beyond the picahna that I did one of the Barbecue Sundays at the house and the completely random apple pie baked beans, the other recipes are below. Try them out, and allow your parties to enjoy certified barbecue the way your friendly pitmaster envisioned them.

My favorite? Those brownies.
Best use of prep time and leftover meat? Texas Twinkies.
The one I should've taken back? The bratwurst poppers.

Anyway, try any of the recipes above or from past years. I'm going to keep giving y'all the game as long as you run with it and make each item your own. Be blessed, be safe, be good to each other, and tell everyone that every day is a GREAT day for Dub Shack BBQ!

See y'all in 2024!

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