Sunday, December 18, 2022

It's Fall, Y'all: Dub Shack BBQ Presents Frito Pie

Finally, the weather has gotten cool enough for Frito pies! At this posting, fall Arkansas weather has been its normal bipolar self: wicked-cold in the morning, and freaking balmy in the afternoon when the kiddos come home from school. Dressing for the day becomes a bit challenging and once the more fashion forward among us trades their polos and beach shoes in for flannels and Timberlands (or Doc Martens), we know cold nights are near. 
I'll be the guy standing next to a smoker in coveralls and Crocs, if you're looking for me. 

This chapter of Tailgating For Everyone is a fan favorite: Frito pie. 

1 lb ground beef/turkey/pork (Impossible Meat can be used if that's your thing, I won't be mad at 'cha)
12 oz red kidney beans, drained and rinsed
Your favorite steak seasoning rub
Fire and Smoke Society's Thundering Longhorn barbecue rub 
One onion, diced
12 oz diced tomatoes 
1 tsp minced garlic 
Beef broth
Sharp cheddar cheese, shredded
Frito chips

STEP ONE. Because I'm working harder than the owner-operator at a gas station in the 'hood, this one can go either way: If the rain is too much and the forecast isn't agreeing with those old bones, turn on the oven to medium-high heat and brown the ground beef. For the rest of us, light your grill to 375 and give the cast-iron skillet enough time to come to temperature before adding the ground beef. Once it browns, break it down and don't forget to add the seasonings! 
STEP TWO. As the ground beef cooks down, add the drained beans, diced onion, minced garlic, and tomatoes and let everything get happy in the smoke. Give the mixture a nice pour of beef broth but not too nice - we're not making soup and continue their playdate to a consistency you can live with.
STEP THREE. Serve with Frito chips and cheese, and enjoy!
This is the time when having something warm on Friday night or Saturday at the stadium as our favorite teams give the opposing squads the business means a Frito pie with options such as extra cheese, onions, or jalapeno peppers are in order. Try this in a family-style setting to minimize  having to serve and miss bone crushing hits, three yards and a cloud of dust (or mud), the halftime show, or an immaculate reception. Thank you for reading this post: Be blessed, be safe, be good to each other, and tell everyone that every day is a GREAT day for Dub Shack BBQ! 

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