Monday, December 19, 2022

Call Them By Their Real Names

The cuetlaxochitl flower is native to Mexico.

This is a sacred flower that was colonized and written off in history as a "discovery" of Joel Poinsett’s in the 1800's.

Joel Poinsett was a slave owner who promoted white supremacy and slavery in his travels and in his political career. He has also been responsible for the displacement of many indigenous peoples along the way by forcibly removing them from their native lands.

The Cuetlaxochime originally had nothing to do with christianity or Christmas, they were a sacred plant used in ceremonies to celebrate the birth of Huitzilopochtli during our winter solstices. They were also used for medicinal and healing purposes to cure sicknesses, aid the flow of breast milk, as well as for dyeing fabrics.

Reverse the harm by calling our xochime by its original name, Cuetlaxochitl, and correcting those around you.

Pronunciation: Kwe•tla•so•cheetl

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