Sunday, March 27, 2016

No Greater Love

Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. – John 15:13

 Twenty years ago, the late Tupac Shakur (2Pac to most of us) released the posthumous album Makaveli - The Don Killuminati: 7 Day Theory. While many of us may recognize such hip-hop classics as “Hail Mary” and “Toss It Up” as well as the then-controversial artwork on the album cover of a crucified 2Pac and the events that transpired throughout his short 26 years, a lesser-known track called “Life of An Outlaw” spells out a strange altruism as he asks his crew member Noble if he would die for him. Of course, he obliges and even swears upon his grandmother to kill his enemies if the need ever occurred. Unfortunately, reality caught up to the rapper and as a result, he was murdered September 1996 in Las Vegas. Contrary to popular belief and Coachella appearances, Shakur did not return from the dead.  
How does this compare to what Jesus did for all of us centuries ago? Stick around and I’ll share it with you.

For one, crucifixion was a common method of capital punishment in the Roman Empire. In addition to Jesus and the two thieves, at least two Apostles (Peter and Stephen) were crucified. In modern times, some Filipinos have volunteered to carry out the excruciating act since 1962 in San Fernando, Pampanga. See as the reference.

What Jesus is illustrating in John 15:13-14 is that the ultimate act of love is altruism – the act of surrendering His own life so others may live. He builds up to this point throughout the Gospels from the moment before Jesus immediately raises Lazarus from the dead when He tells Martha, “Those who believe in Me, even though they will die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die.” Keep in mind the meaning of the name Jesus in Hebrew is “The Lord saves.”

Actions speak louder than words. How else would we be able to understand what Jesus’s earthly death and subsequent resurrection if He did not love us enough for this ultimate sacrifice?

Think about it. God is in love with all of us, and that relationship manifests itself in many ways such as looking at the face of a newborn child, being overwhelmed by the absolute beauty of a sunrise, or when we hear a hymn that absolutely moves us to tears! It also appears in those mundane moments via kind words through a painful time or simply looking back at our lives. With that being said, why would God ever want to destroy the loving relationship He has with us?

Death didn’t stop Jesus from going to Calvary to save wretches like us.

That’s love.

They hung Him high, they stretched Him wide. He hung His head, for me He died.

That’s love.

Guess what? That’s not how the story ends:  Three days later, He rose again!

That’s love!

Jesus gave Himself up for all of us in this sin-sick world. There is absolutely no greater love than that. 

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