Tuesday, January 21, 2014

I Gotta Be Free!

I just gotta be free!
Free from the mundane, everything has a reason,
I don't know just won't cut it
life I live.
Free to lay in bed all day and watch Sportscenter
or HGTV and pick up more ideas on how to pimp my pad.
Free from "Ced's gonna buy me this and this and this"
and "he never listens to me" and "you work too much."
What else can I be free from?
Free from the niggafication America seems to adore,
pants sagging to the floor and throwback haircuts du jour.
Free to further break the mold - 
I'm tired of you saying I am a white man with black skin.
May I have permission to enjoy the outdoors?
Is there anything wrong with watching golf or voting Republican?
Free to stand up and a practicing Christian,
unlike those showtime choir members and whorish ministers, faking one Sunday to the next. 
God is not a light switch, and neither should our faith in Him resemble it.
Remember WWJD? Well, I do. It's a tough road, 
but somebody's gotta at least try to venture it.
Free to say no and mean it - 
if all I say is yes, then I will put myself in the crematory early.
Free to release my creativity - 
the zipper comes as a bonus. Did I forget to zip my fly again?
Tricky Girbaud jeans.

I've gotta be free!

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