Tuesday, January 21, 2014


hey hey hey

what up

i haven't written in a while due to time, work, and other life-related roles

if you've been looking...my bad.

i'm not perfect, only trying.

recently i turned 35 years old.

aside from my career decisions and atrophic muscles,

i've lived a pretty damn good life so far.

while i've never been a sociable being per se
(i wonder what a "normal" m-f work schedule would be like)

i'm grateful to have been productive most of the time.

my lone request this year is to pay it forward.

most of you pay for lunch or a cup of joe from starbucks, so just pick up the next customer's tab if you're able.

me? i'll do that as an example.

no point in bragging about doing the right thing, just do it. 

it's not hard

someone will thank you later - or at least be satisfied with a hot pumpkin spice venti grande. 

do that for me (and yourselves) and notice how much better you feel.

anyway, it's dinnertime and my grilled cod is calling me

time to grub

love peace and soul from that red dax wave cap can i finally started using again

God bless, I'm out.

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