Thursday, September 5, 2013

I Deserve All of This

I lied to you.
          You forgave me.        
I cheated on you.
          You accepted my apology.
I cursed at you.
          You remained calm.
I neglected you.
          You hung around me.
I ignored you.
          You gave me your undivided attention.
I hit you.
          You didn't call the police. 


I needed you.
          You were there. 
I held you.
          You cradled me.
I kissed you.
          You kissed me back.
I shared my dreams with you.
          You told me your dreams. 
I told you my worst fears.
          You didn't laugh.
I loved you.
          You loved me too.


I lied to you.
          You left me.

I deserve all of this.

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