Sunday, September 17, 2023

Smoked Chicken Pot Pie

Not my recipe but please believe that I'll make it!

Made some smoked chicken pot pie seasoned with Holy Gospel and Voodoo! Best chicken pot pie I've ever had!

You'll need:

1 costco rotisserie chicken 
2 cans of cream of chicken 
1 cup of whole milk
4 oz of shredded cheddar
1 can of corn your choice
1 cup of diced carrots
1 cup of chopped asparagus
1 can of biscuits cut into quarters (not the layered kind)
Seasoning your choice to taste (I chose my go to's Voodoo and Holy gospel)

Smoke the whole chicken at 200 for 30 minutes or however long you want smoke flavor to get into meat.

In a 9x13 pan fold together your veggies, cream of chicken, milk, cheese, biscuits and Seasoning. 

After you've smoked your chicken remove and shred the chest meat (don't wanna get my comment removed lol) and fold it into pan. Chest meat was plenty. 

Smoke on top rack if you got one at 400 for 45-60 minutes or until top biscuits are crisp to your liking. 

Let rest for 20 minutes if you can and enjoy!

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