Sunday, April 4, 2021

Dub Shack BBQ Goes to Prepare a Boneless Leg of Lamb

To some of you, the title is a bit of sacrilege due to the date I grilled this little guy – and if you are, then stop reading now and resume eating ham for Resurrection Day dinner. For everyone else…among the sides and sandwiches I have been sharing on the favored blue bird platform in addition to this one, I have also stepped up the quality of meat for special occasions. Certainly, smoking prime rib in the snow on Valentine’s Day sounded nice in theory except for the snow-covered backyard that prevented me from walking uphill to the grill and smoker. Ask my wife how it turned out but not the price tag of admission.

The boneless leg of lamb seen below ended up in my basket at Sam’s Club at a really good price and tucked away in the deep freezer for another special moment – now.

Enough of the fluff; it’s time to punch the clock!


·        1 boneless leg of lamb (mine was a little over two pounds)

·        Minced garlic

·        Olive oil

·        Oregano seasoning

·        Dijon mustard

·        Kosher salt

·        Black pepper

·        Butcher twine, if available (I kept the netting on)

STEP ONE. Normally I would have the meat on a cutting board ready for its seasonings at room temperature, but this time, I am going to light the grill first.  Using a two-zone fire, position the charcoals to one end and leave the other side alone. Once it gets to a temperature of 350 degrees, that is when the lamb goes for a smoke bath.

STEP TWO. Let us go back inside and prep the meat. Mix all of the ingredients below in a bowl before massaging the leg ensuring you get every nook and cranny of the lamb that made a sacrifice for today’s dinner – and the eventual gyros later in the week. Because I cannot find the butcher twine anywhere in the kitchen, I resorted to keeping the netting on my protein to maintain its shape.

STEP THREE. Once the charcoals ash over and your hot zone is established, bring out the lamb – but don’t forget to add a few chunks of cherry or applewood as you do not want to overpower the star of the show by using hickory, oak, or mesquite wood; maple or peach woods are considered solid alternatives. An optional step is to sear all sides for a few minutes before placing in the cooler zone for its cook following which allow the grill to do its work. Do not walk away from the meat as it cooks for much more than a bathroom break, and it is not the product to consume multiple beers! Please don’t screw up a good leg of lamb! It is ready at the internal temperature of 135 degrees (that is medium rare) and bring it inside to rest for fifteen minutes before slicing and serving with mashed potatoes and a light salad or springtime vegetables.

If you happen to have leftovers, make yourself a gyro for lunch this week for work, school, a snack, or another night’s quick dinner.

Thank you for giving this a quick read and the chance to expand the palette a bit further than the normal spiral-cut ham that everyone seems to eat for Resurrection Day dinner. There are times when stepping up our barbecue abilities for something legendary that can be talked about for years to come, and this is one of those occasions. Enjoy the day with your loved ones and remember that every day is a GREAT day for Dub Shack BBQ! Stay safe and be blessed! 




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