Friday, March 12, 2021

Always Feared By Colonizers

He was declined the use of a toilet in South Carolina when he returned from the war defending Jews from Hitler in his uniform! Read that again:  He could not use the toilet! 

February 12, 1946 – Isaac Woodard Jr., African American World War 2 veteran decorated for courage under fire during service in the Pacific, is beaten by South Carolina police until he’s blind – just hours after his honorary discharge from the military. While covered up at first, his case soon became widely known and sparked national outrage, creating an initial spark for the 1950s-60s civil rights and Black freedom movement. While he was still in military uniform on a Greyhound bus from Camp Gordon in Augusta, GA en route to his home, the bus driver cursed Woodard for asking to stop to use the restroom, then pulled the bus over at the next stop and called the police. The Batesburg, SC police beat him, then jailed him and beat him some more to the point of blindness. South Carolina authorities did nothing for 7 months, until Orson Welles, Joe Louis, Count Basie and others started a public outcry.

Woody Guthrie wrote the song, “The Blinding of Isaac Woodard".

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