Monday, November 30, 2020

Get Like You

Need affirmations when the world is trying to finesse you out of everything you have and are? Just a reminder that we're just trying to get like you:
The days you feel more Chrysler 300 than Dodge Charger, someone is watching.
Look in the mirror and remember I'm tryna get like you 
You're a valuable member of the team - we got skin in your Ws
Shout out to the white allies who've stayed down like four flat tires
If I had your hand, I'd cut mine off
Last but not least, we put respect on our names. Birdman said he wasn't gonna say in no mo', but the affirmations (and early trap rappers like Jeezy and Gucci) will have you committed to greatness. 

We're tryna get like you, pleighboi.

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