Monday, May 11, 2020

Why Are My Beloved Black People Hated Worldwide?

There is not one place in the world that I know of that openly love black people (correct me if I'm wrong)...

- Black men are seen as threats
- Black women are referred to as angry and hostile
- Black children are commonly referred to as thugs, but what did we do wrong? Be born black?
- Black women are tired of being made to feel that we are not good enough (with our natural hair, lips, nose, hips and skin color)
- Mothers of black boys worry if they will get killed senselessly 
- Mothers of black daughters have to worry if their daughters will be sex trafficked (as many are missing and no one bats an eye)
- Black people are told that racism is of the past, yet lynchings are still happening today
- Black people who do good in life, are commonly referred to as "they must be selling drugs (don't know how many times I've heard that)"
- Black people are told not to talk about racism,  because it makes other races feel uncomfortable (so we are just supposed to ignore it and hope it gets better)
- Black people are tired of hearing that you have to work twice as hard to be half as good

- Oooh, this is the best one...STOP telling us that "slavery is in the past and you were not a slave!" We still live with the affects of said slavery

Question: How can people be so ignorant and insensitive to these facts? Got it, as long as it doesn't hit your home...okay...

I am so over it as it is NOT getting better, but worse!

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