Saturday, September 1, 2018

Won't He Do It

Testimony hour: Ten years ago tomorrow, my brother and I (should've been) brought back home to God. We were driving to Jonesboro to drop Alan off at ASU and just shooting the breeze,  otherwise being brothers. In the 2.5 hour trip, we often talked about everything - life, school, women, stuff happening at the church, etc.  This time around, it was raining constantly, so we left home early to allow time to get there. About eight miles outside of Searcy, the car hydroplaned across US 67, sending us across the highway. As we spun around seven times like a kid with a Hot Wheel, we prayed and screamed for our lives because that could've been it. By His grace, enough cars and semis managed to avoid us and we were able to cross back over and continue the trip albeit two harried men. This is a significant reason why I've said #weallwegot over the years.

As I near that anniversary, I thank God He kept us around to see all we have seen: our wives Chastity and Nastassia, a child (my nephew),  graduation, and a host of many things too numerous to list. I can't imagine what our parents' reactions if we didn't make it home that Labor Day. I know it wasn't anything but Jesus that saved us!

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