Friday, September 18, 2015

I Took A Month Off From Blogging and No One Really Cared. Cool With Me.

Let’s face it. I’m tired.

For all that 2015 has thrown at me, I’m still here – and sober. I’ve blogged my way through the year and in a vainglorious attempt to reach 200 posts by Christmas, I ran out of stuff to write about. Writing all 21 chapters of the Dad Chronicles was initially a four- or five-post deal; as the days became weeks and the weeks transformed into months, I found myself writing every step of the journey in the NICU and garnered a loyal following. It’s not like I was asked for an update on Caeli every day, but the weekly posts allowed my truly bare feelings to expose themselves in a naked form. Some of you received text messages and others, I messenged periodically. Beyond that and running back and forth to UAMS and ACH for 146 days from work to see our daughter fight first for her life and second be that rock for my wife a la the Chevrolet pickup commercials from the early ‘90s. You know, the ones which Bob Seger is singing “Like A Rock”. Nonetheless, 2015 has been a long year.

I wrote a boatload of posts with varying topics primarily to keep the stresses outside. I also have to say 2015 has been a newsworthy year, but not without controversy. Thank the media for not entirely investigating matters of political, social, racial, religious, educational or fiscal importance objectively.

I somehow took a month off from blogging and no one cared.

I guess I’m returning to anonymity after all. My wife and daughter appreciate the privacy.

When I say somewhat, it’s not like I haven’t completely surrendered my pen or my own thinking; I would just write to pass the time and occasionally engage in Twitter debates to sharpen my literary wit and sometimes even expand my sphere of thought. Also, I haven’t had a legitimate vacation this year, so the hiatus has been sorely needed. I suppose I could take a week off from work later this year, as my employer provides a generous paid time off policy after a few years’ service.

This could be us, but you’re playing.

What have I missed this month?

We thrive on other people’s hard luck, be it accidental or self-inflicted. See the recent fallout from the Ashley Madison hack that exposed millions of families to adultery as well as child molestation allegations from Josh Duggar, threats from State Senator Jason Rapert (R-Bigelow), and eventual guilty plea from the onetime Subway spokesman Jared Fogle. I can even cause a ruckus, as evidenced by #DearWhitePeople earlier this month – one of seven blogs from a supposed blogging block break.

Hopefully I’ve become a better husband to my wife as I’ve gotten to know my daughter, a more efficient employee, a better family member, neighbor, and friend, and a more effective church member and leader.

I took a month off from blogging and no one cried. Instead, I took a trip to my literary Planet Lovetron and returned refreshed.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you sir. I was worn out and lost any semblance of creativity along with caring for my baby.


Keep your comments civil and clean. If you have to hide behind anonymous or some false identity, then you're part of the problem with comment sections. Grow up and stand up for your words/actions.