Friday, December 12, 2014

The 2014 Thank-You Tour

At the beginning of the year, my sole resolution was to make one post to my blog per week, and for the most part that has been successful. Some topics have been fun while others were heart-wrenching, and they’ve even allowed for a Bible verse or sermon text and accompanying notes from my pastor. Thank you for reading, commenting, and otherwise keeping it mature; if I do not directly shout you out, it doesn’t mean any less of you. You’re all supremely wonderful souls!

• Obviously, thank God for keeping me around here for this long. He’s not done with me yet and in His will, 2015 will be greater.
• Chastity for putting up with the nights when those creative juices go wild and I just have to write. Thank you for being such a great wife, friend, compatriot, and (future) mother. I love you in words unspoken and actions beyond my comprehension.
  • News sources for pushing many of my prompts. You would think ABC, CNN, CBS, NBC, Fox, Al-Jazeera, etc. would be the sole sources; special shout outs to Facebook and Twitter for showing an up-to-the-moment insight of reality that tends to be unheard even if it isn’t what we are accustomed to.
  • My family for reading – and sometime critiquing my work. I’ll try not to make it so obvious next time, but living among you is a bonus.
• The Mount Zion Baptist Church family for some of the activism posts in mission-fulfilling work. Sunday after Sunday (and Wednesdays and Vacation Bible School), it’s both an honor and privilege to be a part of the community – and not holding my Bryant residency against me.
• Thanks to Noel, Rickey, and Sylvia for reading everything and bringing the competitive banter that makes AD&AD better. When I get paid, it’s on like Donkey Kong!
• Thank you Rineco for the time to think, pray, write, and being my bread and butter. Many nights all I have are sports-crazed co-workers and eccentric supervisors to deal with, but all 300+ of you are appreciated. What was originally going to be a six-week situation has become 2 ½ years of relationships and continuing opportunities, so thanks for keeping income toward my house.
• Thanks to all of my neighbors for making our block such a great place to call home. I owe each of you barbecue, so come on out anytime – not just when the blue tent is open.
  • Thank you to the friends I have gained and lost, for everything has a season. To all I missed on the shout-out column, thank you anyway for being you.

That should do it. God bless, I’m out.

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