Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Takeaways From the 2014 Elections

Thank God the political season is over! It's a short post, but I'll share my takeaways from the 2014 elections.

1. This has been a very nasty cycle. I know Arkansans are sometimes rightfully stereotyped as a bunch of ignorant racist hillbillies, but bringing in Crossroads GPS and others of their ilk to do the dirty work makes the Willie Horton ads look lightweight in comparison.

2. I don't like how Bryant Mayor Jill Dabbs so quickly aligned herself with the state party when our town could really use strong leadership and someone who isn't trying to use the job as a springboard for higher office. I didn't vote for her solely for that reason; shady accounting and spending are also bones of contention.

3. We like our beer, weed, etc. Saline - and to an extent, Faulkner - is full of drinkers who are going to satisfy our vices. Just flip the county wet already! This point is moot if the state ever decides to enter the 21st Century and allow alcohol sales in all 75 counties.

4. The state Democratic Party has taken black voters for granted. However, the Republicans through their rhetoric have indicated time and time again that they don't give a damn about us. Case in point: Voter ID and how party members (Asa Hutchinson, Tim Griffin, Leslie Rutledge, Tom Cotton, Jason Rapert, etc.) have blamed President Obama for all of the world's calamities from tornadoes to oil spills to lower gas prices and Stand Your Ground.

5. For all of the money wasted campaigning, the national deficit could've been completely eradicated. Truth is, at $438B, I think both sides have the money to be solvent for the first time since the Andrew Jackson administration.

6. I know I'm going to be castigated more than usual, but maybe it's time for churches to get taxed after all. That fence symbolizing the separation of church and state keeps getting torn down. Voting on religious convictions has not always led to good governance because the US does not have a state religion contrary to what Oklahomans think.

7. I'm REALLY going to miss Gov. Mike Beebe. 

8. Look for outgoing Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick to do something big in the next two years. I think he'd be a great President or Vice-President, but from the way conservatives have treated President Obama, we may never know.

9. Race is always going to be the 800 elephant in the room. Until we realize that 1) we're God's children and all bleed red and 2) engage an honest discussion,  we'll always be divided by what scares us. If you wish to debate me, I'm ready any time, any place. Bring your A game!

10. If Arkansas manages to make a clean sweep, maybe I should call our realtor/cousin Kerrie and find a technical writer gig back East that will provide a good life for us.

11. After today, no more wasted paper jamming up my trash can!

12. If the GOP wins the Senate, at what expense is their victory? Is it a sugar rush, or something long-term? Aside from the South, their core voters are older and whiter than the rest of the nation.

13. If the Democrats are able to hold the Senate, how will President Obama's final two years shape up? Will they remember their principles or stand knock-kneed as they keep getting bullied around?

14. What happened to telling the truth?

15. Is it me, or does Tom Cotton come across as a character from one of John Grisham's novels? The one which a virtual unknown wins statewide office by saying little more than no until - gasp! - he suffers a tragedy and has to look at his record?

I think that will be enough. Share with your friends and let's chat.


  1. We should play golf before you move. :-)

  2. You're right about that one. Normally, I'd say pick a Friday or Saturday morning but the way my work schedule has been lately, you never know. Fortunately, business is slowing down and I can make the time off work.


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