Thursday, September 18, 2014

Sky-High Metabolism

Another short post - and one that could potentially help improve your health. Everyone wishes to have sky-high metabolism just like we did in high school and college, but life overtakes that desire - trust me, I know. Below are some tips toward returning to the best shape in life:

1. Turn in earlier. Try to go to bed at the same time, and early enough for you to get eight hours' rest. Sleeping patterns require approximately six weeks of a consistent change before they take hold.

2. Eat better. Start your meals with a fruit or a vegetable and a tall glass of water. Load up on vitamins and antioxidants in fruits and vegetables to feel refreshed. Yes, this means you should drink a V8 and even if you don't like tomato juice, there are other flavors. 

3. Pump iron.

4. Be vain. Take care of your skin, hair, and those other body parts. Remember, salons make serious bank helping people look and feel better!

5. Mix it up. Change your daily routine to escape predictability. If your morning starts with a three mile jog and a cup of joe from Starbucks as a reward, switch it up by lifting weights first, running second, and orange juice from Dunkin Donuts. However...don't mix it up too much at work; your vibe may get thrown off. 

6. Step back in time. Load up the Spotify files with Bone Thugs 'N Harmony and Bush if that's what puts you in your happy place. Nostalgia takes us back to an era where our rose-colored glasses are best worn - remember that six-pack and that small town of beautiful women at your disposal? You can temporarily relive that. If you're still trying to live as a BMOC and graduated fifteen years ago, let it go after the short-term memories fade.

7. Be positive. People with perpetual sky-high metabolism tend to be upbeat folks. Smile, dance, praise God, and enjoy life - YOLO! 

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