Sunday, June 2, 2013

Superhero In Need

Whatever trouble you were going through, your problems were gone when the hero came around. Remember Darkwing Duck, GI Joe, Ghostbusters, Batman, etc? We have a great high priest as our superhero in God. Jesus came to save his people - who can say Buddha, Confucius did come back? - the Word is quick, a sword.

All you have to do is stop and pray to power up to become a different being. You have to know how to defend the struggles out there. You don't give a recovering alcoholic a bottle of Crown to hold til you get back or lend an addict five dollars for food if you know he's going to get a hit instead.  Like Mario after he eats mushrooms, touches a star, frog suit, winged suit, or leaf, you will change up.

To further expand the thought, visit Ephesians 6:10-19 to understand the whole armor of God. Every day is a test to get it right, give thanks for the good and bad. We need Him every hour.

Is Christ your superhero?

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