Sunday, March 10, 2013

Bring Your Kids To God

Mark 10:13, 14

God expects us to be examples for our kids to emulate. As adults, we need to act our age in part for kingdom building but also so the child knows right from wrong. The objective here is to teach them in a pleasing way in His sight.

The most effective way of this is giving them back to Jesus. When we refer to giving back, this isn't a literal meaning. Planting the seed is what is meant, as those of us who impede children's development will have to face consequences of their inactions. Children have always had a role throughout the Bible: see Joseph, Moses, even Jesus Himself. Don't hold them back!

Verse 14 details what happened to the parents. They were inadvertently protecting their children; as a result, the youth were at-risk for a life of unnecessary difficulties. They don't need that. The worst thing is we stifle their pursuit of a closer relationship with the One who matters, and that is an epic fail.

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