Monday, January 7, 2013

2013: Rededications, Not Resolutions

Why would I make a public declaration that I won't be able to live up to in a week, month, next quarter, or even that? That is the reason why I decline to make resolutions every New Year's Day. However, my rededications are more important - and require an active, daily effort.

Here goes:

  1. As much as I'd love to lose weight, I would rather be healthy. At the very least, I want to remain able to tie my shoes without having to stop and take a breath in between motions. I'm not saying that I don't want six-pack abs, but I'll certainly tell you that being high-school skinny just ain't happening. The last time that happened, I was pledging my fraternity my junior year of college along with having to manage a difficult housing situation and helping Walmart with a store setup all at the same time.
  2. Christianity is a daily struggle. I've never once said I was perfect, yet there was an perception of being a goody-two shoes (I prefer straight arrow, obviously) that never did anything but the right thing. Being "good" has never been equated to being "Christ-like." I've struggled with that for the past 22.5 years, and it is now all starting to make sense. 
  3. My pursuit in saving money and cleaning up Ye Olde Credit Report: it takes times, but hopefully soon I'd like to move into a permanent home. Apartment life seems so temporary. I also like stretching out at home and being a real part of a community.
If I can get these right, then I'll have a great year. Once I can get down around 200 pounds, you should be able to tell. I won't see 160 ever again, but anything is better than the 255 I currently weigh.

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