Friday, January 8, 2016

Ode To Head

“Ode to Head”                                                                                                          

The top of my head exudes joy.
Sometimes this is all the photographer sees.
A few teeth, an open eye, perhaps even a gummed-up smile –
With long scraggly hairs dangling down.
I rub my face with a lukewarm towel
Clean, gray, safe from a particular odor.
Of course I’ll need an aid, maybe even a trim.
The stars do it. I should follow suit.

You open a never ending passageway in awe,
Then crack a toothy smile.
The ceaseless pleasures of my head swirl
As wind on a blustery April morning.
Huff, puff, take all of it in if that is your wish
That bald spot needs to be caressed, as like a porcelain dish.
After grasping it, the head ejaculates a milky fluid
From its long shaft into your cusp.

You thought this was about performing oral sex?
Get off your knees and clean yourself up.

I put lotion on my sore bald head.

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