Saturday, January 23, 2016

Caught Up For the Last Time

“Tyler! What the hell?!! Cancel that. Who is this whore in our bed?”

“Chelle, I can explain everything! It doesn’t look like what you think it is!” screams Tyler. “I mean, it was supposed to be a study session for our Spanish final. One thing led to another, and next thing I knew, I woke up with her next to me. How she got here I really don’t know.”

“Well, it looks like you and that blonde bitch were screwing all night long, so forget you and your ugly mama: it’s over between us!,” Chelle declares as she slams the aging bedroom door at what was once their loving home but instead has turned into a creaking path of strewn t-shirts, worn Levi’s jeans, socks, Tyler’s good luck tye-dye boxers and a blue pair of satin bikini panties. In disbelief, Tyler looks over at Ashley and realizes, Damn, I’ve lost her for the last time. All of Daddy’s lessons on how to treat a woman have gone down the drain because I thought I could be the pimp-player of the year and bed as many females as I could. That was the fun part, anyway. Well, that’s what my frat brothers told me after I came off line. I think it was Ed told me that once I put on the blue and gold, I became hot property for all women to pursue and for a while, that included Michelle. I don’t know, but maybe she actually wanted the complete me after all and the only thing I could donate was ten inches of darkened wood.

After the early-morning disaster with Chelle, I started to pick up all of last night’s passion off the floor and toss into the washing machine; some of the best sex is caused from two students cramming before a major exam. So that was what I was told. Beneath the semen-stained sheets lay Ashley who seemed to be only temporarily fazed by the entire blowup. The short tanned woman slept like a baby, and I found that to be very attractive. Unlike what early bird Chelle would have done, Ashley stayed in the bed all morning and for a good part of the afternoon, and once she woke up, it was like a tornado erupted once again. “Oh my God, I’m late for work! What am I doing here – with Tyler? And where are my clothes? Tyler?”

“I washed them after I woke up this morning. I was about to check my email and download more of Dave Hollister’s MP3s  when my ex came in and destroyed the place. It has taken me all day to restore it to the way you saw it - or remember it, perhaps on the pristine side. As for the Spanish final, good luck tomorrow. It’s likely that I will take the zero and it’ll reduce me to like an 85 for the semester.”


“Because they were on the floor and I don’t like having a lot of clutter unless it is called for. Come over here and we can talk some more – after you brush your teeth. I have an unwrapped toothbrush in the bathroom; this way you have no excuse in having bad breath.”

“No, Tyler, I meant the Spanish.”

“Ashley, I honestly did not plan on doing that well on the test by virtue of setting the curve all semester. And you know damn well how hard that is in Dr. Hernandez’s classes, especially this one.”

As Ashley stumbled to the bathroom, the cold bathroom floor jolts her to reality. Her short blonde hair is knotted from last night and whispers, “Ty’s got it going on. He is everything I expected in a man – except he’s black. I know I’m not supposed to look at him like that, but the way he carries that frame and his fluidity, how can I not fall for him?” She reaches for the brand new orange toothbrush and haphazardly swipes at a tube of Colgate, but she misses the toothpaste. Tyler oversees the error in brushing her teeth and creeps inside the porcelain palace to her surprise. “Thanks, but I can do it myself,” replies Ashley and thus thepotential remake of paradise has been halted.

Several long minutes pass before another mumbling word is said. Memories of Tyler and Chelle’s relationship trickle through his brain like the minute hand on a grandfather clock. Like the first time Chelle looked at Tyler, the way she walked to him. It was part of Blue and Gold Week, and since I wasn’t stepping because of my broken ankle, I had it taped with Papa Smurf’s autograph. The struggle to make it up the stairs was a mother, so she helped me up. Since then, we had been together…until this morning. I forgot she had a key to my house and even then, Ashley had a morning class; therefore, I should have been in bed by one at the latest. I just kept seeing her face over and over again as she first incessantly bawled and second began firing off trophies, plaques, CDs, and even my plates. I just hate that because of my doggish ways, I have lost someone who really cared for me. Or maybe it was the prestige of being part of what they call the "in-crowd". What shall I do? I can’t call home and talk to the folks because they disapproved interracial relations in the first place, none of the brothers are here, and my roommate Jammel went to the mall across town for honey-chasing again. So the most logical person I can talk to is Ashley.

“Ash, have you ever loved someone but failed to realize it until he was out of your life?”

“To be honest, yeah. There was this really hot guy that I gave my total devotion, but I found out he had been cheating on me with half of some sorority. I guess he was their pilot or something. To this day, I haven’t really cared for those girls nor do I respect his ass. I guess screwing around dooms people after all.”

“Yeah, I feel the same way too. Over and over my mom told me to watch myself for those chickenheads because they are everywhere, but me being the man I am, I let my guy down low do the thinking for me," pointing toward his crotch. "Soon enough, I met Chelle and I thought I was happy being tied down to one. Then, I realized it was just that: tied down. After I met you, all I wanted to do was get some, but I see now that we can move in another direction – if that’s what you want.”

“Have you told Chelle of how you felt?”

“No! She wouldn’t go for that, even on a good day. Here I am, fraternity president, double major computer science and international business, and the guy everyone looks up to for student body direction and I can’t make a fucking decision on where my life is going! It was so mapped out! I mean, what the hell? If I wasn’t graduating next semester, I would simply go ahead and withdraw from classes altogether because I cannot take the crap anymore.Perhaps I never really tried; there was that damning fear of commitment to her anyhow.”

“I’m sorry to hear of all your problems. I hope you can get them worked out, but if you ever need someone to lean on, you can call me or come to my place on Jefferson Street.” Ashley gave Tyler a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek. Slowly departing the front door, she said, “Listen, I have to go, but if you want to…you know I’m not hard to find. Call me tonight after eight-thirty and we'll hang out, maybe grab some books and coffee or something. Who knows...”

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