Saturday, January 23, 2016

Hold What 'Cha Got

My dad recently retired from his construction job after 42 years in the commercial sector as a carpenter/foreman/mentor and during those decades of hard work, he heard (and repeated) numerous colorful sayings many of which you have heard me utter at one point. One of my favorite sayings is “hold what ‘cha got” meaning “don’t let go!” He would use it for any number of things not limited to bleeding the brakes on cars; moving furniture; and aligning doors to close properly.

In the Book of Revelation we find the letters to the seven churches in the province of Asia (Ch. 2-3). These messages from God are filled with encouragement, rebuke, and challenge, and they speak to us today in the same vein as they did to the first-century recipients particularly those in Thyatira (2:25) and Philadelphia (3:31). Likewise, we must hold what ‘cha got even in the moments, hours, days, weeks, months, and potentially years that God’s promises seem so far away that letting go becomes the most viable option.

Don’t give up. Persevere by holding onto your faith.

When life kicks your butt and the pain outweighs the joy, Jesus shouts to us “Hold what ‘cha got! Help is on the way!” With that promise, we cannot help but to hold what we have and rejoice. 

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