Sunday, May 8, 2016

The Audacity of Double Portions

No, this is not my own adventures fort-building at Golden Corral or attempting to duplicate the Tower of Pisa at Larry’s Pizza.

As Elisha had spent time with Elijah, he witnessed the Lord working through the prophet by performing miracles and by speaking much-needed truth in an age of lies. 2 Kings 2:1 tells us of Elijah’s impending departure for Heaven and Elisha doesn’t want him to leave.

That dreaded day for the inevitable separation arrived, and Elisha knew he was going to need what Elijah had if he was going to successfully continue the ministry. So he made a daring request to God:  “Let me inherit a double portion of your spirit” (2 Kings 2:9). His bold request was made in reference to the double portion the firstborn son or heir received under the Mosaic Law (Deuteronomy 21:17). Elisha wanted to be recognized as the heir of Elijah – and guess what? God granted him that request!

I recently had a childhood friend who passed away from injuries incurred in an automobile accident – Terrance was a beast at finishing empty for Jesus. He gave his adult life away daily to all who wanted to experience the goodness of God first as a drummer/singer at my home church Greater Friendship and later, within ministry at Conway’s First Baptist Church. While he is not in the flesh with us, TD did not leave us alone for we still have God’s presence.

It helps understanding more of the concept of double portions as I listen to my brothers and new mentors in the deacons’ ministry Ollie Allen, Ricky Dawson, and John Reed invoke the saying within praise service and post-offering prayers. I’m not trying to be greedy – I just want to pick up all I can from these great brothers.

Elisha indeed gained a double portion of Elijah’s spirit – a tremendous privilege and blessing! We who live after the life, spirit, and resurrection of Jesus have the promised Holy Spirit. Remember, when Jesus ascended into Heaven after forty days, He sent His Spirit as a comforter and protectorate.

Those are double portions I can handle getting fat from. 

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