Monday, May 23, 2016

I Can't...For When #EffYoFeelings Is Too Harsh.

I’ve had some serious writer’s block lately:  Either the topics out there have already beaten more than the snare drum Nick Cannon’s musically gifted yet illiterate character works on Drumline or only a handful of people on this Earth would resonate with. My other problem is that after 273 blog postings, getting people to engage my debates and opinions is akin to working overtime for free .99 to appease those on the right who clearly do not give a flying flip about the energy I’ve put into this craft or the people on the left quoting the mess out of my lines without any semblance of citation or income stream flowing my way.
Image result for drumline
I really don’t care about what y’all say about my Nick Cannon comment:  Being a musical genius doesn’t exempt you from understanding sheet music. I understand he was in full character for Drumline (also starring Orlando Jones from the 7-Up! commercials back in the day), so I reckon I should let that pass. Besides, if that is the hang-up, then I have a slew of band director friends who gladly disagree.

I admit that I am regularly disengaged, but I'm trying to do better. It's hard caring about people who don't exactly value you, only what they can get from you. 

1.      Slow drivers in the far left lane. If I’m passing you on the right, then you need to move over. I’ll eat the ticket if I get caught, but there is this wonderful concept called flow of traffic. You passengers have other jobs when you ride in the Escape with me [Mama drives the Camry, meaning she controls the air and radio regardless of my own pleas].

2.      People who ask if I am going to homecoming. I haven’t been to a campus function since 2002 when I had food poisoning after eating at that horrid Chinese restaurant and puked all over my mom’s Malibu, so that’s fourteen years and counting. The friends I actually stay in touch with do not care for that 45-minute trip down an Interstate 30 that needs perpetual repair, and even then, I am persona non grata in Arkadelphia. Reread Black Skin, Blue Water to understand why.

3.      My patience is renowned the world over, but when I’m fed up…I can’t.

4.      First Fridays. I haven’t been to one of these so-called networking events in years, and even when I would show up, I was out of compliance with the night’s dress code. Surely a Gap baseball cap and black t-shirt would be passable among a bunch of ‘bougie’ ghetto folks who still haven’t let their undergraduate days go. Today, they are the ones who muck up social media hash tagging the crap out of everything they say and satisfying their thirst on the ‘gram.

5.      Explaining to people time and time again that my time is valuable and that they do not have permission to block hours of it for me once I leave work.

6.      Rap music after 2005. I admit, I do like the Swishahouse, yet today’s lyrics are devoid of anything relevant that we all can get behind, i.e. trap music, anything Lil’ Wayne says, and stans.

7.      Working for fun, not funds…I can’t.

8.      You know the saying, “one monkey don’t stop no show?” I may not stop the show, but I can damn sure make it difficult to continue.

9.      When I turn on TV to watch the news and hear only talking points. If your groupthink per MSNBC, Fox, CNN, etc. is the best opinion you have, then it is considered garbage and needs to be taken out with the chicken bones that otherwise would break a disposal. Having an articulately formulated thought really costs nothing but a few minutes of reading the newspapers, websites, and magazines to research the issues.

10.  Call me old, square, whatever, but don’t you get the feeling that Drake is the rap version of Nickelback?
Image result for drake hotline bling meme
Catchy garbage
Image result for nickelback
Just plain ol' garbage

11.  Although I’m likely to write in Barack Obama for a third term come October (I always vote early, preferably the first day the booths open), voting for Donald Trump…I can’t. Hell, voting for any Republican after the Tea Party takeover in 2010 ain’t gonna happen no matter how many MLK quotes they try to use around African-Americans or for the photo ops that pretend that they aren’t racist when we know otherwise.

12.  Tyler Perry shows. Like Nickelback songs, they all have the same tired pattern. Where’s the creativity and why hasn’t there been a significant deviation from the plays?

13.  People who binge watch Friends yet sleep on Living Single. Both shows are basically the same premise – until the final season of each, I don’t recall anything but a homogenous cast. Besides, Queen Latifah’s acting in the early ‘90s could give Jennifer Anniston a run for her money any day of the week.

14.  Mayonnaise. Who decided that this poor excuse of a condiment was so important for a good sandwich?

15.  Plantation mentality. If Harriet Tubman left people behind on the Underground Railroad, then what makes you think those same Negroes didn’t spawn off self-hating generations who worship the very words that Massa utters and the crumbs of the big piece of chicken left for the dogs?

16.  Grown men standing in Foot Locker lines on Black Friday and All-Star Weekend for the new J’s…I can’t.

17.  You say we live in a post-racial society yet call the First Family everything but a child of God. Keep in mind I do read many of your posts and threads – is an educated Black family with new money and all that power that dangerous to the hierarchy of white privilege? You #AllLivesMatter people have been pretty silent for a while as you support the orange bully and the Reagans; let your bigotry marinate on that.

18.  First Take on ESPN needs to cease:  Send Stephen A. Smith to Fox Sports to coon for Massa; that station is Skip’s natural home, as is Colin Cowherd.

19.  The lost souls who turn up on July 4 and do absolutely nothing on Juneteenth. If I recall American history clearly, our ancestors were still enslaved on July 4, 1776 – freedom in America was limited to landowning white men back then, just as the Republican Party of today tries to return to that vestige of time. Lord help us all.

20.  When your rims or system cost more than your car…I can’t. 

You know, I can go all day here but…I can’t.

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