Sunday, February 1, 2015

Reaching Out For Help

If you remember reading Mother’s Day For the Childless Couple last year, this is a continuation of that post – sort of. Our first pregnancy has been a whirlwind of experiences and emotions so far, and as we crest our midpoint, our prayers are for a healthy baby sans complications. God does what He does for a reason, and all we can do is trust Him no matter how difficult our days may become later.

My wife went on bed rest recently, meaning she is limited to where she can go:  the bed, the bathroom, the couch, and maybe the kitchen. Fortunately for me, Chastity can venture to the kitchen ONLY for leftovers and readily prepared items such as fruit cups, bottled water, and premade salad mixes; otherwise, I would have a harder time staying awake at work. Since we both need the income, sleeping in my office is not an option. Even if sleep were in the realm of possibilities, the shower stalls at work are simply filthy, mired in years of caked-on grime.

Psalm 121:2 tells us that “my help comes from the Lord, which made heaven and earth”. It doesn’t say dig deeper for your self-sufficient strength which already comes from the Lord. I may be built Ford tough, but it doesn’t mean I do not need assistance. He made the heavens and the earth – I only wrote this blog post – proving that every little idea birthed to the piece of paper I take notes on means squat. By acknowledging this simple fact, we Christians know that going it alone is not an option even as it seems that we cannot sit still. In this case, while Chastity is (temporarily) incapacitated, she is receiving all sorts of aid and support from the family as well as our neighbors and friends.

God has brought us too far to the places we dwell from where we once called home. Trust Him to leave the future in His hands and say thank you.

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