Tuesday, January 20, 2015

A Letter To Baby Caeli

As you kind of figured out, I am your daddy and I love you, just as your mommy does and always will. There will be a lot of new things to see and people you’ll meet when you get here like grandmas and grandpas, cousins, aunts and uncles, so I’ll try to keep it short.

I want you to know how special you are and what a blessing you are to us from God. Just like you, we were babies once upon a time and I’m sure Gigi and Grandma will show you the pictures of Mommy and Daddy when we were babies like you. More than just our baby, you are God’s baby and it is up to us to teach you all of the right ways to be more like baby Jesus and less like us. You are our first child, so I want to get this right for you.

I want you to know along the road trip called life, we have your back. If you’d rather play lacrosse than the trumpet, I’m fine with that; same thing if volleyball suits your fancy.

I want you to dream on like Aerosmith and achieve all of your goals beyond your wildest dreams.

My hope for you, dear child of privilege, is to afford for you the best of our offerings. I don’t mean only material things, but you’ll be able to connect in ways to make this place better because of your presence.

My desire is that by the time you’re a grown-up, you don’t have to kick down doors to prove you belong.

You can be anything your heart desires – a doctor, a lawyer, a pastor, a basketball player, a programmer, a teacher, the governor, the President of the United States – and I’ll be as proud of you as I am this day.

You’ve given us one of the greatest honors we can ever have: to be your father and mother. As I’ve said before, your daddy and mommy love you in words unspoken and want only the best for you. One day when you’re older, you’ll see this letter and hopefully grasp how ecstatic we are to be your parents.

With all our love, Mommy and Daddy

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