Monday, February 10, 2014

Toilet Paper For Napkins

the way people talk shit makes me wonder if they use good ol' T.P. for napkins.
so vile, such a demeaning manner of speech -
the cute little charmin bear yearns for his four-ply roll,
the extra soft one over on that tree stump there.
so give it back you sketchy douchebag 'cause your shit stinks and some landscape artist
needs it for beautiful roses, tulips, daffodils, and other flowery objects to amidst the poop.

i've been on a paperchase to wipe the brown crumbs from my anus:
i have the "itis", which unfortunately leads to "bubble guts."
hopefully it will only be one solid turd and not a liquid zephyr escalating to an avalanche upon porcelain gods
who revere recycling/transporting my doo-doo to a septic residence - or outhouse, depending on the time period in history or location.

i'm talking about talking shit, not taking a shit.

clean your dirty mouth and remember no one wants to see skid marks just because you didn't wipe good enough!

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