Monday, June 13, 2022

Not Flipper! Dub Shack BBQ Presents Grilled Mahi Mahi

Flipper and his friends at Sea World are safe.

What is mahi mahi, exactly?

Known as dorado, it is a ray fish dwelling in the warm waters such as the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean. It is a white fish meaning the strong taste associated with some fish such as catfish is minimized. It can be baked but for the purpose of this recipe, my three pieces went outside onto the grill.

Mahi mahi
Olive oil
Big Poppa's Desert Gold barbecue rub
STEP ONE. Thaw out the fish. If you're lucky enough to find a fishmonger, get the best filets you can afford. We know Whole Foods is sometimes called Whole Paycheck; people remember the protein served so get the best your meat budget and deep freezer space allow.

As a trial run, I got mine from Walmart.

STEP TWO. Rub the filets with olive oil and Big Poppa's Desert Gold barbecue rub and set aside for ten minutes. In the meantime, go outside and light the grill! Be certain the grill grates are oiled down so the fish does not stick before putting it on. Once the grill reaches a minimum temperature of 350 degrees, it is time to place the filets on the grill.
Proof that even on rainy days, every day is a GREAT day for barbecue

STEP THREE. Don't go too far away; mahi mahi is done at 137 degrees but I would not dare take it beyond 145 degrees. At six minutes, give it a flip and pull within the next three minutes for a short rest before diving in!

What do you serve with mahi mahi? 

Your choice. However, some of the most commonly suggested side items are asparagus; green salad; and veggie kabobs as you see in this picture below. 

In that quest to lose weight - and keep it off, mahi mahi is a suitable stand-in for the normal fish like tuna and salmon without the feeling of same old, same old. I will do this recipe again as a quick weeknight dinner idea, and I recommend you try it at least once. As always, thanks for reading this post, and if you like it enough to make mahi mahi, do so and share it amongst friends. Be blessed, be safe, and be good to each other, and tell everyone that every day is a GREAT day for Dub Shack BBQ! 

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