Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Smokin' Green: Dub Shack BBQ Presents Smoked Cabbage

If you think this is a marijuana post or the lyrics to a Mystikal song from my college days, sorry to disappoint. In keeping with MBCA (Make Barbecue Cheap Again), we must not forget about the sides. Most of the time in barbecue joints or family shindigs, we see the usual baked beans, fries, potato salad, and white bread but what if I told you that smoking cabbage is the ticket? 

I haven't done it in a couple of years but there was this solitary head of cabbage in the refrigerator that was calling my name...

Me: What's up?
CABBAGE: Smoke me. 
Me: Aight, bet. 

One head of cabbage (size doesn't matter)
Garlic salt
Black pepper
Onion powder
1/2 stick of butter
STEP ONE. Slice the cabbage into bite-size pieces and set aside in a bowl.
STEP TWO. Add all of the ingredients to the bowl of cabbage and mix evenly before placing into an aluminum pan. Add enough water to the pan to steam the cabbage.
STEP THREE. Put it on the smoker and let it work until it is tender to your satisfaction. It could be as little as 30 minutes or as long as four hours; check periodically on the side. 
STEP FOUR. Pull it from the smoker and rest ten to fifteen minutes before serving. 
Side items do not take all that long. If you're already cooking, don't forget about them and allow the bakers to keep using kitchen space for cakes, cookies, and other things that do not necessitate making makeshift tables and holding areas for the greatness of tasty barbecue. Besides, the vegan friends and family members can find themselves welcome at the cookout. As always, thanks for reading this post and as the weekend draws near, go outside and cook something awesome!
Be blessed, be safe, be good to each other, and don't forget to tell everyone that every day is a GREAT day for Dub Shack BBQ! 

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