Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Shinestar Experiment. Part One

a bay bay

sup ya'll

thanks to all of you who read the last installment "Retirement at 30? Dude..." of my loquacious life

and a second shout-out to all of you who do continue to associate me with your friends, co-workers, dreams, toilet paper, etc.

i was leaving walmart this morning for the homestead

when i saw my mommy waving me on

 - if this ain't some momma's boy stuff, then i don't know what is -

and it hit me:

boy, some other people are counting on you to shine, so you better make it happen!

at this point, i don't know what or how in the world this will happen,

but i have (as usual) a unique idea.

it is called the shinestar experiment:  all i want you to do is encourage somebody to succeed any way you know how

this does not require funding nor a long litigious statement indicative of how the shine shall occur

nor my new personal disclaimer "within reason"

just do it

it may be writing, the art of storytelling/carwashing/rapping/compliment donation/teaching/whatever

you'll thank me later

t-shirts forthcoming for free.99

let's convert dreams into reality

and support one another

with my black fist in the air

and white buddies giving each other pound (the fist bump)

and team getting stronger by the moment

we matter, so let's make this thing happen!

God bless

love peace and daddy wave cap grease from the dax can

put this on fialac boards all over the nation

i'm out


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