Sunday, December 29, 2013

Not So Great Expectations (more controversy at a later time)

hey hey hey

whut it dew

it's ya folk

updating ya'll on life in the country and my 'Great Expectations'

grades are due monday and i have finished ten minutes ago

because i have to suffer at the friggin' dentist's office tomorrow afternoon at 2:45

and i don't really want to drive over here on friday morning to be a beholder of red devil nation.

true, i am getting older (and hopefully wiser);

all it took was a few nights of spazzing out in the local walmart

 - save money, live better -

my foot; i need to replace some of these mindless peons with initiative-driven adults

who are not drove

i sometimes miss some of my earlier experiences;

captain kenny's, mcgurk's, club brothers, and simply palling around in a raggedy-a** mercury topaz

through conway and arkadelphia and pretty much anywhere the a phi went.

my eternally wavering 'Great Expectations' of life flipflop more than john kerry four years ago....

hopefully barack obama is the change we all can count on.

did you know that sarah palin's first grandchild will be half-black?

and they say the south will rise again...

someone should backhand bill o'reilly and rush limbaugh and sean hannnity and the other racist a**wipes with ike turner's cold, dead


eat the cake.

as usual, i have lost my way

time to resume saving the world one kid at a time for the next twenty minutes or so

til then

holla at ya man

love peace and daddy wave cap grease

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