Thursday, December 29, 2016

Thinking 'Bout You

It’s been a month since I crashed the Maybach into that tree
Was I drunk? Quite possibly but that falls as my own responsibility
You were better than cute but I couldn’t claim your beauty as my own, so I put it on layaway
Until the day it was abruptly cancelled.
I’ve been thinking ‘bout you
I’ve been thinking ‘bout you
I’ve been thinking ‘bout you
Do you think about me too? Do you, do you?
Or maybe it was just a fling, something I read too much into
Or maybe it was something more? The potential was always there…
My counselor tells me that you’re a special kind of dangerous
I need to clear you out my mind just like your number and Facebook
Yet I feel you are a kindred spirit so damn good to me
And I know you’re not good for me but I haven’t quite detoxed
I’ve been thinking ‘bout you
I’ve been thinking ‘bout you
I’ve been thinking ‘bout you
Do you think about me too? Do you, do you?
Or maybe it was just a fling, something I read too much into
Or maybe it was something more? The potential was always there…
I don’t like you but I thought you were cool enough to kick it
I’m closing on a snow lodge in Florida if you think I’m selling wolf tickets
Why else would I have kissed you? I’m going back to my life in Camrys and eating kale
‘Cause living in the ‘burbs is nothing but LOL
I’ve been thinking ‘bout you
I’ve been thinking ‘bout you
I’ve been thinking ‘bout you
Do you think about me too? Do you, do you?
Or maybe it was just a fling, something I read too much into
Or maybe it was something more? The potential was always there…
I cannot think about Next Lifetime when I have two
You were my only affair, a strange feel
I cannot wash away the scent of loving on another woman no matter how hard I try
Beyond praying for forgiveness all I do is sit in my truck and cry
Wanting God to kick start the process so my family can heal
I need new memories, the kind that fades from color to sepia
Or do you not think so far ahead?
‘Cause I’m thinking ‘bout forever – with them.

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