Friday, December 23, 2016

The Smartest Post I Haven’t Written Yet

If you really think about it, I average a new posting to my blog once every 3.6 days. Do I actually spend that much time writing?

Yes and no.

When the writing bug bites me, I become quite prolific at perfecting the craft, but once I hit writer’s block, it could be weeks before I am motivated enough to jot a few notes along the way in an attempt to either turn it into something really awesome or simply delete from the spinning archives of my memory bank. I’m not talking about the lost manuscript from 2003 although if anyone finds the handwritten version of Fall From Grace, I’d like it back. I wouldn’t mind trying to update it after nearly fourteen years mostly to determine if I indeed have become a better writer since the year after I graduated from Henderson.

I think the majority of my writings have come in spurts – sometimes all I need are a pen and paper (or computer and flash drive), and other times I am pulling gray hairs out of my beard simply to make a coherent sentence. I have also realized that the smartest post I haven’t written yet is usually the next one and regardless of which ones from the past are my favorites (any of the Dad Chronicles, if you’d really like to know), the best one is the next one. It is also the one that has the cleanest sheet and hasn’t been used for brainstorming ideas or free writing.

The next time I sit down to drop some notes and sully up a clean sheet, consider that the next post I publish could be the very best one. 

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