Friday, March 4, 2016

You Ain't Gotta Lie To Kick It

You know who you are and why you voted for Donald Trump, but I’m not about to shame anyone into submission for it:  All you did was make your worldviews and thought processes known for the rest of us.  I’m not much better for it (I held my nose as I voted for Hillary Clinton. At least we have an idea of what she brings to the table) but at least I am honest about my choice of candidates. Honestly, I would have crossed over to support Gov. John Kasich; unfortunately, no one wants to hear the grownups in the room anymore and he didn’t exactly bring a compelling reason to choose him as POTUS 45.

Maybe this is why Jon Huntsman was run out of the 2012 primary as swiftly as he was – no one wants to hear the centrist’s truth.

Why do you like the guy so much? I’ve heard several people say he “tells it like it is”, which is code for he says the really racist stuff I would like to get away with and because he says it, it means that it is okay for me to do the same. For whom is he making America great again for – beyond heterosexual white males? Sure as hell isn’t me. Are you trying to go back to 1964 or 1863, times when being educated and black mean nothing as I still am colored or worse first? 

If you endorsed the man, own it. Understand what you’re getting yourselves into by following the dollars and sheer entertainment value instead of the man’s record. If you are still callously ignorant even after that statement, you clearly didn’t pay attention in your high school civics classes, have your heads buried in the sand, or are so comfortable with yourselves that you actually yearn for the Nixon or Reagan years. I’ll gladly remind you how that worked out:  Nixon brought the Southern Strategy into play, and Reagan expanded the rhetoric of hatred and racism to something today’s Trump (or Ted Cruz) supporters embody. Some of the following side effects include a sitting President disgracefully resigning;  the early 1980s recessions and the crash in 1987; Reagan feigning ignorance about apartheid in South Africa and the trumped-up (excuse the pun) War On Drugs; and the Willie Horton advertisement that sunk Michael Dukakis in 1988. Are all of their supporters racists? No, but if they do not stand up to disavow the language, then I certainly think that birds of a feather do flock together.  

Way back in 1998, New Orleans sensation (and No Limit Records artist) Silkk the Shocker told you that you ain’t gotta lie to kick it. In 2016, these words still hold true. 

If this guy is the one you want as your party’s standard bearer, feel free to choose and ride with him. It is more of indictment of you the callous voter who thinks you are immune to discrimination as well as the apparent education level attained. As I’ve said about Saline County*, low taxes are not everything – and too many of you are too busy looking at the short-term dollars versus the long-term benefits. What about people like me? The Republican Party lost me after Hurricane Katrina and the Tea Party takeover in 2010 made that exit a permanent one, meaning the Party of Lincoln and Eisenhower is now the party of Nixon, Reagan, Bush, Trump, Cruz, Limbaugh, and Fox News.

You ain’t gotta lie to kick it. Four years ago, you wanted a clear conservative yet went for Mitt Romney. Your true morals are for the white guys with a fistful of dollars and no moral turpitude whatsoever saying/doing anything to get votes. If he wins November 8, it will be your fault for falling for the bright lights – and proof that when black progress happens, the conservative backlash is some kind of nasty!

*We Saline County residents pay some of the highest sales taxes in the state. Those who disagree love their properties and material things more than the people who are not so fortunate.  Also, stop falling for the “low taxes” fallacy; in some circles, it can also mean anti-black or brown and possibly discriminatory to the working poor assuming they haven’t fallen for the trap.

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