Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Why I Wear Purple

Hint:  I wear purple not just because it looks good on me, but for a cause near and extremely dear to me – Prematurity Awareness Month. #CaeliStrong
Image result for prematurity awareness month
Prematurity Awareness Month is held each November to raise awareness of preterm birth and the concerns of preterm babies and their families worldwide. Approximately 15 million babies are born preterm each year, accounting for one in every ten babies born worldwide. While premature births cannot always be prevented, this day is observed with media campaigns, local events, and other activities conducted on local, regional, national or international levels to raise awareness to the public.

Understand that preemies are as much of a gift as full-term babies; they have a little bit of a head start on life outside the womb. Prematurity is also not a disease – it can happen to any one of us, as no pregnancy is fully guaranteed to go the distance. Class, race, social status, hometowns, employee titles or ages – none of that matters when we are fighting daily for our babies.

I wear purple on this day because Caeli has had a magnificent nine-month journey so far and God has ordained her to be great in a world that is sick from being merely good. After 146 days in the NICU, you’d wholeheartedly agree with me.

I'm growing!

I wear purple because of the babies who did not make it due to brain bleeds, hyperthermia, or their little beating hearts were so overworked they stopped and their families who do not get to bring their bundles of joy home. My empathetic heart goes out to them, as God could have brought any of our babies back Home with Him.

I wear purple for the twins born eleven days apart, the other moms and dads in antepartum and their angels, and for all of the expensive doctors’ visits our little ones must endure for the next few years.

I wear purple – and a smile – because I know everything is going to be all right.  Even in those days and nights I’ve cried myself to sleep or in my car, I held on to a mustard seed of faith because my Father in Heaven can (and does) the impossible. To see where my daughter has come from is proof enough that God is a healer!
Look at me now! Praise God!

I wear purple for the incredible people who were born premature and have done great things like Stevie Wonder (born at 34 weeks gestation, blind because of ROP), Mark Twain (born at seven months weighing five pounds), Sir Isaac Newton (born Christmas Day 1642 at three pounds), and Sir Winston Churchill, born six weeks premature in 1874.

Take a look at my profile pictures on social media and you’ll see the #prematurityawarenessday ribbons along with a playful little girl who makes her daddy’s heart melt with that grin and the reason why I wear purple today.

Words cannot express how grateful I am for your fervent uplifting prayers for my family’s health and well-being as 2015 has been the greatest – and most trying – year yet. 

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