Thursday, November 5, 2015

30 Days of Thanksgiving, 2015 Edition

Thansgiving, Thanksgiving, Parts
I have to say 2015 has hands-down been the most gratifying (and scariest) year yet, and I want to thank all of you for riding up and down the rollercoaster with us. While I do speak for my own family of three, this set of gratitude extends well beyond the month to all of you and what you have been or done for us over the year. It isn’t over yet, but check this out:

  1. I am thankful to see another year. Shout out to God before I get into the rest of the thank-you movement, for without Him, I don’t know if we would have made it this far.
  2. Let’s get this one out of the way:  I am eternally grateful for good health insurance and the jobs that provide excellent group plans.
  3. I am also gratified for what happened at 4:18 am on February 13:  the birth of our daughter Caeli Elise. She’s been a bundle of joy every single day since and will always be. Daddy loves you, Baby Bear.
  4. I am indebted to my wife/best friend/GOAT/Caeli’s mommy Chastity for not only carrying our angel for the time she did, but also having the faith to keep me even-keeled as some days were scary and others, rainbows and overflowing pots of gold. I love you and always will.
  5. The love received from our friends, co-workers, neighbors, church members, and families has been nothing short of overwhelming!
  6. I’m indebted to the staff of doctors, nurses, and specialists at UAMS and Children’s Hospital for all they have done over the course of 146 days to care for Caeli. Your professionalism – and eventual friendship – has made the journey more than worthwhile. I especially want to thank Lorrie at UAMS and Emily at Children’s for being there as primary nurses and quick to advocate for us during the times one of us were unable to be there.
  7. I am appreciative to Donnie Ray and Sam for knocking out one of the major tasks I planned for the house when we moved in two years ago:  new flooring. Now it feels more like home and less of a borrowed space.
  8. Of course, I am beholden to my own flesh-and-blood brother Alan for being the best sibling I can have. With this expansion, it’s no longer #weallwegot; I just have to get you down to the Dub one of these days.
  9. I’m glad to have other brothers around me not limited to high school and college buddies; frat brothers; fellow deacons and men of good report; neighbors; pastors, past and present; co-workers; cousins; brother-in-laws; childhood friends; and the guys I met in the NICU. If I named them all, I’d foul around and miss someone, so thanks for holding it down regardless of where you are.
  10.  One thing I am relieved in having is the gift of the written word and being able to share our journey via blog in the Dad Chronicles. I still haven’t made a decision to publish, but it will always serve as an internal look from fatherhood in my eyes.
  11.  As much of a headache it has recently become, I am glad our cars are in good working shape. Thanks to Seth and the entire Everett Buick-GMC team for what they have done, troubleshooting the car (often) and their bangin’ loaner cars and trucks. I will be back for a red Canyon Denali crew cab sometime next year once the money gets saved!
  12. In a world where we are satisfied with the good, I have to share the bad. Thanks to the City of Arkadelphia for reminding me that racism has not gone away even after graduating so many years ago from Henderson State. You can call that a shot at Mike Voltz and Officer Sparks, I really do not care. A city-owned public water park is NOT private property. It just means I have to teach Caeli that not everyone is in her best interests and she can always disavow support by the power of keeping her money in her pocket. #truecolors
  13. I am much obliged to my in-laws for keeping baby Caeli as I slept during the day. The village does expand eight miles east after all and any direction needed.
  14. I am content that I have become a decent pit master. If you need smoked pork butts, ribs, or brisket, I can handle that! Just bring beer and a lawn chair so we can have a good time shooting the breeze.
  15.  I am grateful that even through it all, I can still find humor in most things.
  16.  I am pleased to know that there are still people who genuinely care about me and my family. If you’ve made it into our internal circle, congratulations. You know who you are.
  17. I am contented that after 42 years of hard work and dedication, my dad finally retired from Nabholz Construction! I’m pretty sure I won’t give any single employer that kind of time, but that is a testament to manning up every day and getting after it. Enjoy retirement and your two grandchildren Aston and Caeli, pop.
  18. Thank you to everyone who fed my fat behind throughout the year or provided gift cards as a respite from standing in the kitchen having to come up with one more meal.
  19. I am gratified for all of the diapers, wipes, clothing, frames, artwork, and everything else Caeli has been given. Those are all hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars of items that have been on-time.
  20.  Although I am looking for a daytime role that pays more money with better hours, I am thankful for my job and the things I am able to take care of working in the industry.
  21. I am indebted to the women in my life:  my wife, mother, mother-in-law, grandmother, cousins, sister-in-laws, and aunts for who they are and what my daughter can become as strong black women.
  22.  I’m still appreciative of quiet time even at 3 am. While I don’t get to sit back and read the next book in the Game of Thrones series as quickly as I once did or opine on parts of the Bible we did not hear about as kids, having even five minutes to myself is enough of a foundation for a good day.
  23. I am grateful for lower gas prices! #ThanksObama
  24. I am glad to have sound body, mind and spirit, able strength, and decent character, even if I am too self-deprecating at times. It also means that for many of you, I am indeed the same knucklehead you met me as not that long ago or way back in elementary school. The afro has picked up a nice gray patch up front and that gut consists of good food and Miller Lite.
  25. I am beholden to all of you in one way, shape, form or fashion and proud to have you in my life.
  26. Moreover, I am relieved that we’re all here to share the days together regardless of where we are in our lives.
  27. I am contented that I have gotten past the sadness that comes with sports teams losing. Hey, I am a Henderson graduate, Miami Heat, and Boston Red Sox fan, so I know what losses are all about. It also makes the victories sweeter!
  28. In addition, I am overwhelmed for your prayers throughout the year and letting God move you as He says go, wait or stay.
  29. I am thankful for sleep. Anyone with a baby at home can understand why.
  30. Lastly, I am grateful for the journey which my life has taken me. From fast food and retail to education and waste management, a happy marriage, and now fatherhood,  I have seen a lot of things and all of those experiences have somehow shaped me to be better than I was in the beginning. Here’s to greater successes in the future!
Thanks, Friend, Card, Friendship, Word
You know how this all ends:  God bless, I’m out.

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