For the longest time, it seems like the moment we find our voices, they are swiftly silenced or the backlash is so severe, we go into exile. In our parents' time, it was considered "the Negro problem"; when black leadership and celebrities alike called out white America for its supremacy flare-ups, they were ignored. Today, you can also substitute the word "Muslim" for "black" in the same context to extremists.
— #ArmedNAware (@SankofaBrown) September 13, 2015
What are they afraid of? Karma?Have you noticed that each black freedom has been met with physical or psychic violence, smear tactics, or diversions aimed to shake us from our mission? This is despite the fact that when black people push, all people ride a little better.
Perhaps white people have had other people to screw for so long that now they are nearing minority status, it scares the shit out of them. That may explain those ignorant Facebook comments rife with misspellings and juvenile insults or how Fox News damns Black Lives Matter at every turn, even labeling the grassroots movement as a hate group.
How do you know they're scared?
Today's rhetoric.
Have you listened to any of the Republican candidates for President of the United States or Jason Rapert (R-Bigelow)? The Tea Party rise five years ago is primarily the backlash to the passage of Obamacare and you can study Citizens United to follow the money trail. It wasn't that long ago when "Pimpin' Bill" Clinton passed conservative anti-crime bills that expanded prison construction and locked up an even more disproportionate number of black and brown Americans and a welfare reform bill that made it more difficult for the poorest of people to make it out of poverty.
Want more?
This is the junk people back home have to deal with.
— A. Cedric Armstrong (@cedteaches) September 8, 2015
In response to school desegregation, the rednecks in power found those dusty-ass Confederate flags from the annals of history to fly high from pickup trucks, flag poles, and on bikinis. Hell, even the feds helped out: the US government was found culpable in the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in 1990.Still need another oops upside ya head?
Reconstruction marked the time which black officeholders occupied more sway than any other time including today. Yep, the people you bullied and maimed were running shit, making laws and all. Unfortunately, petty white jealousy - and stiff competition - led to anger, fear, and finally brute violence via the cowards in white sheets and burning crosses. Those sheets were shredded by the Black Panthers (see how quickly California Gov. Ronald Reagan passed the Mulford Act) which gave rise to the bigots in business suits, also today's GOP.
Lesson: when black people (including this blogger) stand up to exercise our voices and flex our muscles, expect pushback. The truth is too harsh for some people to take, as their day is coming.
The most dangerous man is an educated black man. Think about it.
— A. Cedric Armstrong (@cedteaches) November 7, 2014
Another great post. Keep up the good work sir !