Monday, September 28, 2015

Eff Yo' Hookup

You would think the GOP would use history as a reminder of what NOT to do more than clawing through Hillary’s emails to find out what she may or may not have known about Benghazi.


The purveyors of domestic terrorism in policy and over policing subsequent harassment throughout black America wonder why their party continues to lose national contests. Outreach won’t happen if you’re busy denigrating potential constituents who do not live in your homogenous world.

At this pace, the party of ex-Klan members and not-so-closeted racists will become a southern white male phenomenon.

Back in 2012, Mitt Romney told a group of donors after receiving an unfriendly welcome at an NAACP convention “I hope people understand this, your friends who like Obamacare, you remind them of this:  if they want more free stuff from the government tell them to go vote for the other guy – more free stuff.” Five months later he doubled down on the same sentiment, claiming President Obama won because he bribed minority voters with “big gifts” such as health care and education.

This is the same Mitt Romney who once upon a time as Massachusetts governor created the framework for PPACA in 2002. We all know how his successor former Gov. Deval Patrick cleaned that one and many other messes up.

Guess what? Jeb Bush didn’t get the memo. Generally, white men born into privilege (silver spoon, starting life on third base in a clean uniform while thinking he actually hit a triple) think they actually “earned” something. As a result, they deride the less fortunate of us who actually put in the work. They – and Donald Trump – fail to realize that by pandering to the base, the educated voters are more apt not to endorse their candidacies even if some aspects of their platforms are palatable.

Besides, I know there is no such thing as a free lunch. America was largely built on the backs and breasts of black men and women. Let that sink in for a minute.

The people who have had to fight are those who tend to be the most articulate when presenting our arguments. Perhaps this is why conservatives are so angry every single time President Obama uses historical precedence to justify the passage of laws, particularly the Commerce Act to defend the PPACA and Loving v. Virginia when gay marriage was legalized throughout the United States. In real time, reread my blog posting Black Skin,Blue Water to see further proof of how and when we fight back.

Allow me to debunk “free stuff.”

When our racist Lt. Governor Tim Griffin (R-Arkansas) tried to do away with the ‘Obama phones’, he was trying to nix a program established by white people’s patron saint Ronald Reagan and expanded by George W. Bush to include cell phones in 2007. That piece of legislation gained traction when Obama’s face was placed as the one who was “giving away free stuff.”

What about food stamps and welfare benefits? The War on Drugs that y’all lost?

Another Reagan mischaracterization is the welfare queen peddling a Cadillac, living in Section 8 housing, and collecting food stamps. Ask any honest caseworker at the county DHS office who the majority of callers are and complaints come from if food stamps are reduced or even one day late. Hint:  it’s not black women.

As for the War on Drugs, the government has already proven itself complicit in locking up people of color for long terms over marijuana and crack yet slap meth and cocaine users (and sellers) on the wrist.

Am I stepping on toes? Good. I’m not done yet.

If this is what you call offering hope and aspiration, fuck your hookup.

If shuckin’ and jivin’ for the proverbial big piece of chicken is the way to gain entry to the table, fuck your hookup.

I’m not even going into the no-bid Halliburton and Blackwater contracts from the last War in Iraq or how quickly some companies were handpicked to clean up New Orleans post-Katrina in an attempt to whitewash the city – or in other words, turn it into Benton.

To a fair amount of you, I’m just another colored with an extremely broad vocabulary who understands the power of persuasion and a master of dispelling talking points.

Keep in mind the most dangerous man in America is an educated black man.

Y’all look like petulant kids that rather than share, you get pissed-off and take your toys home.

Fuck your hookup – especially if that little bit is the best you’ve got.

You sound more tone deaf than I give you credit for, and this is counterproductive. 

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