Friday, January 28, 2022

Just Keep Living


The elders tell us to just keep living.

As we keep living, we find ourselves realizing the things that truly matter are the big things. I sit back and wonder if there is a Word from Heaven that can comfort me in addition to all of us who have loved and lost our family members, friends, coworkers, neighbors, associates, and even those we do not know particularly well who have somehow touched our walk for better. The very first text I am drawn to is Matthew 7:12 which is also known as the Golden Rule:  Treat others as you want them to treat you. This is what the Law and the Prophets are all about.  To most people who see us on a daily basis and observe how we move around, this is the clearest example of being Christlike that we can be:  We make a mockery of who we say we are with a tweet or a Bible verse post on social media with a mouth (and heart) full of avarice, hatred, jealousy, and so much evil.

 Jesus told us it isn’t that hard, so why do we make it so darned difficult? If a child can see God, then why are we so blind to Him?

We don’t get to pick and choose our families at birth but at every other point in our lives, we get to select – or fall into – a group of individuals who we eventually call friend, pal, homeboy/homegirl, Greek or military brother/sister, and for some, a bond that grows tighter than that of a natural sibling similar to David and Jonathan. 1 Samuel 18-20 details their friendship from just being two random dudes to what we call “brothers from another mother”, inseparable for the most part with their bond involving loyalty, sacrifice, compromise, and emotional attachment to one another that sometimes is not understood by those closest to us. David was introduced to Jonathan not long after he killed Goliath and brought his severed head to King Saul following which that friendship began and blossomed akin to an orchid full of flowers.

How does their story tie into the elders’ message to just keep living?

For all of the lumps, bumps, and bruises we endure on this journey called life, we just keep living.

For the disappointments in ourselves and even those crushing blows, we experience, we just keep living.

For the moments we feel alone, we just keep living.

(Please reach out to someone if those moments are too tough, and at the very least, pray for his/her comfort.)

For even the separation death brings upon us, we just keep living.

Knowing that we are going to have to cross over to the other shore from time to eternity one day, we just keep living. Isn’t that what our beloved would desire of us?

We don’t just live for the sake of existing because that would be self-defeating. Our lives are created and ordered by God for each and every breath He provides us; why wallow around in self-pity in an emaciated state than what is destined for us? The dearly departed would expect us to keep living! Of course, God gave us all the ability to reason and make our own choices and since none of us are perfect, we are bound to make more than a couple of missteps here and there. What He does is present opportunities daily to draw closer to Him in not only the words from our mouths and fingertips but also through our deeds and thoughts for what we value most is where we tend to put our treasures. One thing to always consider is only what we do for Christ will last.

 Dear Lord,

 We come to You as humble as we know how in gratitude for what You have blessed us with as well as what You have avoided for us to obtain in all of our seasons including this one. It is in our collective prayers that we as weep through this night, joy comes in the morning. Be our Comforter in our season of grief as one of our loaned souls has returned Home to you; as we keep living like the elders before us have said countless times, allow us to rejoice in his/her celebration and be glad for having them in our lives for this section of the dash. We are a bit poorer and needier today than the previous occasion, yet You continue to look upon us as only a Father and Redeemer does for His flock. Please, wipe those tears from our very eyes and continue to love us as much as we love You. In the mighty name of Jesus our Lord and Savior we do ask of it all and more, Amen.



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