Saturday, January 29, 2022

Puff, Puff, Pass: Dub Shack BBQ Smokes a Bologna Chub

I'm smoking a chub.

Because Arkansas barbecue is truly a hybrid of three of the major styles (Memphis, Texas, Kansas City), I might as well share something not entirely unique to the Natural State yet vital to making barbecue cheap again: smoked bologna. If you're looking for the bubble and the slit, this isn't the recipe; I'm smoking the entire round chubby package of bologna.
One 5 lb. chub of bologna
Mustard as a binder
Barbecue rub of choice (I'm using Fire and Smoke Society's Pork Perfect)
Dub Shack BBQ's The O.G. sauce
STEP ONE. Remove the red packaging from the bologna. Score the bologna so the rub and smoke can permeate the meat since we are only reheating this hunk following which spread the mustard all over the chub liberally. You're not going to taste that condiment - the rub adheres to it for its color. In the meantime, set your grill for 250-275 degrees and prepare for a two-zone fire. For those of you who worship at the House of Traeger, Green Mountain Grills, or any of the pellet gods, turn your knob to 250 and add a mixture of maple and cherry pellets.
STEP TWO. Using that two-zone fire, place the chub away from the fire and let it do its thing like you see on the PK above. It'll take a while; therefore, you can run errands, buy more beer and stuff for your sandwiches/adult Lunchables/poor man charcuterie boards like I will to watch the SEC/Big 12 Challenge, or whatever is necessary. The only cause of concern is to make sure the bologna isn't too firm for your liking - this cook does not need a thermometer as we're really reheating it. As the score marks open up, keep cooking. I began this cook with some leftover cherry wood and a chimney full of charcoals but added two chunks of maple wood at the midway point mainly to add an extra layer of flavor.
STEP THREE. At two hours, check the bologna for color. If it begins to feel firm, then it is time to bring inside. In this case, the protein was a pretty mahogany color but it was still a bit soft meaning I let it cook for another hour. One observation to be made is how the score marks made in the beginning have opened up during the cook to accept that cherry and maple smoke. 
STEP THREE. In the miracle of time, the chub of bologna is finished. Don't forget to paint it with your favorite barbecue sauce and let it tack up for approximately ten to fifteen minutes. Pull it off the smoker for a short rest before slicing.
In this form, bologna is good for several days. Share with friends, coworkers, family, and make yourself something tasty to eat! As always, thanks for reading this post: Tell everyone that every day is a GREAT day for Dub Shack BBQ! Be blessed, be safe, and of course, be good to each other.

Friday, January 28, 2022

Just Keep Living


The elders tell us to just keep living.

As we keep living, we find ourselves realizing the things that truly matter are the big things. I sit back and wonder if there is a Word from Heaven that can comfort me in addition to all of us who have loved and lost our family members, friends, coworkers, neighbors, associates, and even those we do not know particularly well who have somehow touched our walk for better. The very first text I am drawn to is Matthew 7:12 which is also known as the Golden Rule:  Treat others as you want them to treat you. This is what the Law and the Prophets are all about.  To most people who see us on a daily basis and observe how we move around, this is the clearest example of being Christlike that we can be:  We make a mockery of who we say we are with a tweet or a Bible verse post on social media with a mouth (and heart) full of avarice, hatred, jealousy, and so much evil.

 Jesus told us it isn’t that hard, so why do we make it so darned difficult? If a child can see God, then why are we so blind to Him?

We don’t get to pick and choose our families at birth but at every other point in our lives, we get to select – or fall into – a group of individuals who we eventually call friend, pal, homeboy/homegirl, Greek or military brother/sister, and for some, a bond that grows tighter than that of a natural sibling similar to David and Jonathan. 1 Samuel 18-20 details their friendship from just being two random dudes to what we call “brothers from another mother”, inseparable for the most part with their bond involving loyalty, sacrifice, compromise, and emotional attachment to one another that sometimes is not understood by those closest to us. David was introduced to Jonathan not long after he killed Goliath and brought his severed head to King Saul following which that friendship began and blossomed akin to an orchid full of flowers.

How does their story tie into the elders’ message to just keep living?

For all of the lumps, bumps, and bruises we endure on this journey called life, we just keep living.

For the disappointments in ourselves and even those crushing blows, we experience, we just keep living.

For the moments we feel alone, we just keep living.

(Please reach out to someone if those moments are too tough, and at the very least, pray for his/her comfort.)

For even the separation death brings upon us, we just keep living.

Knowing that we are going to have to cross over to the other shore from time to eternity one day, we just keep living. Isn’t that what our beloved would desire of us?

We don’t just live for the sake of existing because that would be self-defeating. Our lives are created and ordered by God for each and every breath He provides us; why wallow around in self-pity in an emaciated state than what is destined for us? The dearly departed would expect us to keep living! Of course, God gave us all the ability to reason and make our own choices and since none of us are perfect, we are bound to make more than a couple of missteps here and there. What He does is present opportunities daily to draw closer to Him in not only the words from our mouths and fingertips but also through our deeds and thoughts for what we value most is where we tend to put our treasures. One thing to always consider is only what we do for Christ will last.

 Dear Lord,

 We come to You as humble as we know how in gratitude for what You have blessed us with as well as what You have avoided for us to obtain in all of our seasons including this one. It is in our collective prayers that we as weep through this night, joy comes in the morning. Be our Comforter in our season of grief as one of our loaned souls has returned Home to you; as we keep living like the elders before us have said countless times, allow us to rejoice in his/her celebration and be glad for having them in our lives for this section of the dash. We are a bit poorer and needier today than the previous occasion, yet You continue to look upon us as only a Father and Redeemer does for His flock. Please, wipe those tears from our very eyes and continue to love us as much as we love You. In the mighty name of Jesus our Lord and Savior we do ask of it all and more, Amen.



Monday, January 24, 2022

Whee! Dub Shack BBQ Presents Meatball Sliders

With the NFL playoffs in full swing, you've got to have something small and fairly quick to snack on those nights when your favorite team is playing. 

Sidebar: This recipe almost made the Tailgating For Everyone series and would have very likely been it had HSU made the D2 playoffs but unfortunately, both Harding and Ouachita got in the way of that happening.

Ground meatballs*
Dub Shack BBQ's The O.G. barbecue sauce
Killer Hogs' The BBQ Rub
Fire and Smoke Society's The Usual rub 
Hawaiian slider buns
*Those meatballs don't have to be handcrafted; the package from the grocery store works well. Ground anything (beef, chicken, turkey, or deer) must be taken to 160 degrees to prevent risking food poisoning. Also, if yours are made by hand, make them the size of a golf ball in even portions; a trick to ensure even portion size is using an ice cream scoop to make your meatballs.

STEP ONE. Once your meatballs are thawed, spray a wire rack on both sides and season them with your preferred barbecue rub(s). In this case, I selected Killer Hogs' The BBQ Rub and Fire and Smoke Society's The Usual and seasoned all sides. Set aside and light the grill if you haven't already done so. 

STEP TWO. Once the weapon of choice - my Weber Kettle - is up to 350 degrees and the two-zone fire is established, position the meatballs to one side and let them get some color. This is a fairly quick cook so don't find yourself doing something that may cause you to lose time. At 30 minutes, check the temperatures of each meatball and turn for even color on all sides. They can be dunked into warm sauce at 145 degrees and returned to the heat until they reach 160 whence the meatballs can rest for a short period in the warm sauce. 

In this application I am using my own The O.G. barbecue sauce but make it your own regarding preference.

STEP THREE. Serve with slider buns and shredded cheese, and enjoy!
Thanks for giving this recipe a try and a read - feel free to share pictures - and tell everyone that every day is a GREAT day for Dub Shack BBQ! 

Monday, January 17, 2022

Danger of the Moderate

The most dangerous people are not the extremists on either side of discourse but those who consistently straddle the fence and try to both-sides their way to rationalizing their stances thereby showing theirs is a morality of convenience. In this year’s MLK post, we examine the most dangerous people in America:  the moderate. Certainly, the extremists on both sides of the political coin pose an existential risk to the rest of us as we know where their intentions lie; however, where does that so-called reasonable thinker stand? Does he sit down when it comes time to rise up? Is she one of the types who encourages such a gradual change that icebergs move faster in comparison? Do they think there is always a better approach to circumstances of the days as prefaced with assorted whataboutisms than what is presented in the very real moment?

Just to be real, a LOT of people need to sit this one out and watch the real ones show them how we get things done. Don’t shoot the messenger; take heed to the actual words and do better.

Not limited to the conservatives among us; the moderates also have difficulty with the works in addition to the words Brother Martin spoke.Enquiring minds want to know 

Throughout American history – and in the present date, we see that anti-Black racism has always been a bipartisan effort. From limiting voting and diluting varying voices to waving a boogeyman regarding what is taught in public schools, how we wear our hair to work, and even how wearing masks during the past couple of years, the people who are chillin’ on the sidelines unaffected fail to see how their actions reflect on not only the larger community but also represents a bit of NIMBYism on their parts. In a roundabout kind of way, they are the same people who gladly fucked with us some nineteen months ago during our Hot Summer coinciding with the Black Lives Matter protests nationwide but came up MIA when the time to put substance behind these token actions such as the black profile pictures on any social media platform and how their employers were quick to poke out their chests about diversity and equality save two industries [banking and environmental sciences, namely waste management] but silent like dead church mice regarding equity.

These moderates are always quick to form a taskforce over stuff that they know is wrong but are too comfortable in their lanes to amend their errors. Maybe the access toward certain societal privileges is too strong of a drug to put down the crack pipe; an answer escapes them. Yet we know they are going to tell us how to make our desires known by being devoted to order.

What is order?

Order is defined as the following: the prevailing mode of things; the rule of law or proper authority.

 In my Allen Iverson voice, you’re talking about order?

“Order that prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who consistently says: I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action’; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a ‘more convenient season’. Shallow understanding from people of goodwill is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection.”

Brother Martin wrote these very words in the Letter from a Birmingham Jail. He knew what he was against back then – and the larger question is, do we? This is larger than getting a law passed or some signature political legislation that can all but ensure a successful reelection bid for one group of people or prove to the rest of us that the set of laws that supposedly bind all of us are only for me not thee as has been the case for most of this nation’s history.

Are we built for it? Our moderate brethren have proven otherwise.

This link takes you to Letter from a Birmingham Jail.

For a First World economy that has it all with highly ranked schools, medical facilities, the world standard of language and banking, Americans as a whole have shown a strong preference for overhyping some events while minimizing the contributions of others as we live confidently in our comfort zones as we have find ourselves not needing God save for those “Lord, help me” situations or when we want Him to be our spiritual Santa Claus (ex. praying for a specific automobile when the one we currently have suffices our needs). As a result, many congregants find themselves with the “we take care of our own” mentality which in itself is extremely insular. Why are we putting our Creator in a box? By doing so, we aid the enemy in shrinking our effectiveness in Kingdom building through our lukewarm reactions as we unintentionally slap back His helping hand.

 This is what is meant by the danger of the moderate. We’re not limited to a Joe Manchin/Kyrsten Sinema/Susan Collins/Lisa Murkowski/Mitt Romney type of politician; sometimes all we have to do is take a look within the mirror at ourselves to see a lukewarm individual resembles. In the concept of this letter, Dr. King implored those who have the ears of masses – white Birmingham-area pastors – to move the middle toward the side of justice and equality as they enjoy the benefits of being spiritual kinfolk and simultaneous skin folk to only be disappointed in their at best glacial efforts in forcing this nation to live up to its lofty words written in the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Even more painful than the openly pious folks who are presently whitewashing any ounce of ink that bunks their cherrypicked lies that to them have become a reality of sorts are those who are supposed to be standing in the gap but are nowhere to be found.

Neither an interfaith breakfast on the third Monday morning in January nor a stilted - and to an extent, insincere - blended onetime (or twice) service can change the fact that 11 am on Sunday morning is still America’s most segregated hour some fifty years later. Consequently, the moderates are perfectly content with platitudes aplenty with a side of apathy since their titles, committees, and assorted nonprofit organizations tend to provide them with a bit of social cover in the event he or she says some really foul stuff that damages business reputations and sullies friendships. Their overly cautiousness has presented them a crossroads which no one is pleased with their cowardly inactions:  As the OGs told us, poop or get off the pot.

When it comes to moving beyond racial and economic injustice, the next person to say these are societal issues and that the gospel has no real concern deserves to be slapped across the face with a King James Version family Bible. Did Jesus not treat both Gentile and Jew equally? Equally galling is the simple fact that the moderate declines to rock the boat in favor of maintaining a status quo that clearly benefits him because he is too worried about what the neighbors may think if he sticks his pencil neck out of his mock turtleneck for the first time in a pretty long time if not for the very first time.

With apologies to the length of this post (well, not really – you’ve been reading my blogs for nearly a decade and should know what to expect by now after nearly 500 posts, none of which have gotten me paid or anywhere closer to my dream of becoming a fulltime writer), we know what extremists on the left and right look like – and in Arkansas, it seems like the ones on the right get all of the airplay in a contest to make some of the most head-scratching statements as they overzealously beat their chests a brand of slaveholder religion that tells them from one Sunday to the next that condemns everyone else to a existence of subservience if not outright becoming a square in a peg hole. However, at least we do know where they stand even as they attempt to pontificate two, four, six or more years of falsehoods into a blatant superficial effort of being for all people for one day. However, their moderate brethren have enjoyed the dual privilege of their own adjacency to their harsher skin folk and the invitation from some Black person to the proverbial cookout, and as a result, the turds in the punchbowl they cannot stand to eat Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner with are the same ones who often provide them the lifestyles necessary to maintain their pole positions in American society. With those advantage, it is no wonder why they are the most dangerous allies Black Americans have.