Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Hey Batter, Batter, Batter, Batter, Swing!

I know that I’ve been trying to protect my family’s privacy (yes, that really was my New Year’s resolution) throughout 2021 focusing more on other things namely barbecue and Black history, but the time warrants itself another chapter from the Dad Chronicles. At this posting Little Miss Sunshine has since completed her first softball season and joined another squad from the league. She had fun learning the game despite all of the losses her team took biweekly and her growth was amazing from where Caeli began in July to where she stands today.

A Great Group of Girls and Their Coaches

While the record shows that the Storm went winless (0-8), that won-loss statistic is meaningless to a group of 4-, 5-, and 6-year-old girls playing together for the very first time. That they did not go home in tears after every game nor wanting to quit was nothing short of admirable character building that some opposing coaches needed to be reminded of even after we parents, fans, coaches, and supporters were justifiably angered following a pair of close late season losses as long as the postgame snacks were flowing. Having their attention on the game played in front of them instead of the dirt through one hour of softball at their ages on Tuesdays and Thursdays was at times a miraculous feat! Over the course of several weeks, something happened:  THEY GREW.

I am partial to #9

Instead of waiting for the batted balls to stop in the outfield or along the fences, our stars began to see the light and played as such by stopping the ball and throwing (or running) to the nearest base to prevent the runners from getting an extra base or even stealing plates. Once they started making contact with the ball, each girl began to find her own confidence in her own abilities in addition to enjoying the praise and encouragement from her coaches, parents, and her teammates. In addition, they all became really good friends attending birthday parties and of course, those impromptu play dates.

Pregame with Coach Michael 

As I look at the position chart one last time mainly to be sure I don’t forget anyone (and apologies to coaches Zach and Aaron whom I couldn’t tell apart until the latter cut his mustache), we have to give one more tip of the hat to Caeli, Eden, Hallie, Caroline, Briar, Charli, Addy, Piper, CJ, Emmy, and Summer for becoming better players and continually battling back each Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Thanks to Coach Rob for assembling a ragtag group into a team that will make waves next season as they develop into some of the most fundamentally sound girls while they maintain their joy. Thanks to Coach Michael for recruiting Caeli back in July for an experience she’ll never forget; you and Karli can feel free to come downhill and grab her whenever Tato needs a workout – or a playdate. Thanks to Shelbi for the additional coaching and the team media – your pictures are the ones littered through this blog. Thanks to the homies Seth and Holden for assisting our daughters during the doldrums of summer practice. Thanks to Lacie, Sean, Courtney, Laura, Kaitlin, Randy, Annie, Renee, Patrick, Mikayla, Marianne, and every other parent and Storm booster for welcoming us into the family, and for those whose names I forgot, charge it to my head and not my heart as I am human.

I leave you with four key words:  SHOW ME YOUR GLOVES!

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