Monday, November 30, 2020

It's Not Always Kevin: Karen Does It, Too

When it comes to the war against white supremacy, Kevin alone is not always the problem despite us being more conditioned to his blatant racism. The more insidious one is Karen.
This escalated quickly

Who is this perpetually dissatisfied broad?

Karen is usually a divorced white woman with kids, an SUV that Kevin is paying for, and typically works in human resources or some capacity that pays a decent salary and provides a proximity to upper management. Sometimes she can be identified by her ""Salt Life" stickers on that same SUV along with a stick figure family; more often than not, she's the blonde in blocky designer sunglasses she received as a gift some beach vacation ago who demands the world stop on its axis for her.
These females are going to get someone killed

How do I know? Being a Black man in America, I've had to understand whiteness as a constraint sometimes better than my own very real Blackness; therefore, the default position for much of my adult life is to disarm any premonition of fear she may have implicitly thought of yours truly - and she hasn't met my family yet. 
Karen's worst nightmare:  a happy Black family in her 'space' living, loving, and enjoying each other publicly minding their own Black-ass business 

When slightly inconvenienced, she demands to speak to the manager to get her way not limited to a discounted cup of PSL at Starbucks or the termination of an employee; her dastardly actions have ended careers and lives - see Bill Cosby and Emmett Till if you disagree. The prime benefactor of the Me Too movement floats from one happy hour at Applebees to the next one full of margaritas and midpriced wine as her medically-addled children, exhausted from being overscheduled and otherwise ignored pick up on her covert disregard of "the poors" who exhibit a level of disrespect toward adults rivaling anything coming from the past political season.
That finger, cell phone, and condescending tone have started unnecessary conflicts
There is a history to this ish:  Dont think just because Tyrone gave Karen the D that she's down for the cause. The damsel in distress ultimately will choose the one who keeps her most comfortable and adjacent to the power - Kevin.
I like living. 

I'm sure my wife doesn't want to plan my funeral anytime soon. So, Karen...stop making mountains out of molehills. Conflicts can be resolved without getting the law involved or an angry beau who has only heard one side of the story, and we know Kevin is packing with his Blue Lives Matter supporting, Call of Duty playing, 45 worshipping self, and he isn't looking for the facts.

PSA:  Black women named Karen (see my mama) will put a foot off in that ass. Don't test their gangstas.

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