Tuesday, March 20, 2018

This Is My Season

Today is the official first day of spring despite the large number of our friends and families taking a brief vacation from work or school for warmer climes. Some of our coworkers have gone camping at the many state parks within a few hours’ drive throughout the Natural State while others found themselves at the beach or that family-friendly amusement park in central Florida. For all of us, spring is a season of renewal:  birth, new growth, and the welcoming of old friends from their migrations further south. What is more significant about this day is that it is one of two in the calendar year which the hours of daylight and nighttime are equal around the world as in the northern hemisphere, it is known as vernal equinox and our friends in Australia, South Africa, and Argentina acknowledge today as the autumnal equinox representing both the spring and fall seasons, respectively.

New seasons are important for many people in anticipation of something great. Since he was hired nearly three months ago to lead Mount Zion, our current pastor has talked of a winning season as the congregation is still transitioning from a leaderless state to a definite shepherd. One key aspect of said winning season is being prepared to win AND knowing how to celebrate; 45’s supporters still have not understood the concept of knowing how to celebrate seventeen months later as they overly rely upon November 8, 2016 as their emancipation date from the perceived tyrannical black President and the real advancements of his eight years in office.

In Ecclesiastes 3:1, Solomon tells us that there is a time for everything, and a season for every activity for under the heavens. Do not forget this as we work together through 2018 and beyond – God appoints our seasons, and if we don’t recognize them, we can very well miss out on our blessings!

Moses spoke of a new season when the enslaved Israelites escaped Egypt and Pharaoh’s clutches through the wilderness for those long forty years ultimately ceding leadership to Joshua (Joshua 1:9) who brought them over. When Paul was under house arrest and faced loneliness due to the Romans disallowing visitors until he realized God was along his side (2 Timothy 4:17). Even in his imprisonment, Peter recognized that sleep was a vital part of his season (Acts 12:5-8); having the church constantly pray for him certainly aided his testimony of chains breaking and walking out of the front door amid sixteen guards with an angel by his side!

Regardless of the season, let us continue to give thanks to God for His greatness, His help, and His companionship for the circumstances are for a just cause which allow for us to use the time appointed in a way that not only magnifies Him but also deepens our trust in our Father.

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